I'm thinking about getting a 2010 Prius V but I haven't been able to locate one using dealers websites. Does anyone have one? If so, how do you like it? Did the dealers come off MSRP? Thanks in advance to the best website for the Prius. Steve
We have a 2010 Prius V and have about 1000 miles on it at this point. This is replacing a 2004 Prius which we gave to our daughter. The V has to be special ordered, the ones coming into the country are pretty much all pre sold. We waited about 6 weeks. We told the dealer we could get the car at $1000 over invoice from both American Express/Costco and USAA buying service and they matched the price which was about $900 under sticker. The first dealer would not budge on price and said they could not get a V. The second dealer was much more cooperative. So far, we like the car a lot. I think the 17 inch tires make a big difference in both appearance and ride and the LED headlights seem to give a really good lighting pattern. Haven't had much of a chance to try the other features (other than the nav system which we love. Big screen, bright image, good directions). Had nav on 04 and this is better. We think it is worth the money (albeit more than one of the portable add ons). There are 2 other 2010 prii on our block alone and the others like theirs a lot too. (and 3 of the 2G models). Again, we think it is worth the extra money for the V. ABC
I have had a V for a month now. I picked it up during the Cash for Clunkers push. I like the car a lot. The Clunker thing depleted inventory on many economical vehicles, the Prius being one of them. The inventories should be coming back soon as the Clunker deals are over. Pricing was MSRP for most dealers, some even over during that time period. I was able to get $1,000 off at a small rural town dealer. Hopefully that will become more common as inventory rises and demand subsides.
Worth every penny. I havent been using the DRCC and LKA lately b/c its more fun to 'hill surf' and try to beat my previous MPG (record 58) on the way to work, but for long drives, theres nothing like it. The little things that both systems add significantly make the trip more enjoyable and less exhausting after long drives. I surprisingly love the IPA (parking assist). I thought it would be gimmicky, but I use it almost every time I park! You start to get good at pre-placing the car, so you just hit the button and it does it's thing. Nate
I took delivery of my Prius V with Navi on June 4th. So far, I have about 9,700 miles on it, and love the car. I recently drove a friend's Prius III, and could instantly feel a huge difference in the steering, and responsiveness of the vehicle when cornering, etc. After we swapped (for a drive from Chicago to Milwaukee, where we were both visiting friends), he did not want to return my car to me. As others have mentioned, the lights are big selling point for me too, as I really love the clarity I see with them. The only thing that I wish I splurged for was the AT package, I love the toys. As for Pricing, as I was one of the first to take delivery, I was only able to get about $250 off MSRP, but to be honest, will not complain, as this car is worth every penny I paid!
I just spoke to a local dealer and he said there are none around and would need to be ordered. Thanks for all the info. I guess I'll get on the list. Steve
yea, some models/combos are hard to get depending on where you live, and even more so now after the CARS free-for-all. I had to get mine from Cali when I live in Texas!
I would keep calling -- try the internet sales departments. In my experience the dealer websites are rarely up to date.
I was fortunate to get one of the early Vs - and exactly the color and (non) equipment I wanted - no Nav. Serial # is 1628. Delivered 6/13 - MSRP. $28K. I've seen that less than 20% of the '10s made are Vs. And in very short supply right now. I absolutely LOVE it. Very sporty, spirited when needed, 49mg my first 2500 miles, very decent handling, and I think a good looking vehicle. Good luck Steve.
There is a Blizzard White V running around my neighborhood. I'd say she got it sometime in June. I see it two or three times a week in my travels.
Took delivery of my V w/ATP August 25th and Love it! No Solar Roof and don't care...I live where we get snow..
I picked up my V in Barcelona Red last Monday, 8/24. I had originally ordered one with a local dealer and was on a waiting list. Red was the original color I wanted but I was persuaded by my salesman that I may want to take a second color choice (I picked silver). The price we had agreed on was MSRP, which was normal considering that's what every other dealer in the area said when talking with them. So I put in my deposit and started the waiting period. A few weeks later I decided to click around on some of the local website's inventories again and found a local dealer that showed 2 V's in stock, one of them was Red. I thought this must be a mistake so I called. After checking the sales person at the new dealership told me that it was on a truck and due to be delivered in a few days. Luckily, for some reason, it was not allocated to anybody. I quickly gave her a deposit over the phone and was assured that the car was mine once it came in. The best part about this was that she gave me a mis-quote based on their internet price and I actually ended up getting it for like $160 or something under MSRP. Surprisingly she kept to her word and honored the wrong price that she had sent me via email. It's funny because 2 days before the new car was set to arrive the original dealer called to say "good news... we got your allocation. It's a silver (2nd choice) and it's due to arrive sometime in late September or early October." Because I didn't want to cancel the order until I physically had the new car in possession, I told him i was excited to hear the news and to let me know when he had any updates 2 days later the new car came in and I took delivery. I was at the dealership for maybe just over 1 hour. It was honestly the easiest and most problem-free transaction I've ever had (even easier than some trips to Target). I have maybe 600-650 miles on the car so far and love it. The wheels and the lights were what sold me on it. When I first saw the 2010 model I truly didn't like the wheels at all. Once I saw that the V had 17" wheels that I liked, my mind was made up. The LED headlights are pretty cool too. I also like that I haven't seen many Red models putting around either. I'm glad my deal worked out where I got the true color I wanted and that I didn't end up settling for Silver. Oh, and getting the deposit back from dealer 1 was a piece of cake too. Just took a phone call and it was done. The guy was pretty cool and obviously understood. It was funny though when we were talking about the car I got and he asked what I paid. When I told him I got slightly under MSRP or whatever he was like "I guess that's not bad." I was thinking, yeah, I wasn't going to save ANYTHING by going with you, of course this is better! Enjoy!
We have the Prius V with NAV and love it. Bought it during the CFC. If i were not for that I probably would have purchased a III or not bought a car at all.
I got mine in Virginia back in June, exactly one week after i took a test drive in a similar model. I was thrilled with the car from the day I got it. I opted for the AT package and once I got a chance to really use the radar-based cruise control, I am even more thrilled! It absolutely re-defines what cruise control should be. The Lane Keeper Assistant is just icing on the cake. The two make a long trip a pleasure. As for the Parking Assistant, for me, that's not much more than a gimmick, one with an incredible "WOW!" factor but not terribly useful for someone who has no trouble shoe-horning themself into a tight parking spot. The Parking Assistant can only do its thing if it can swing your car into a spot in one back-up. My car was built too early to have the USB/iPod connector or the Safety Connect options included but I just added the USB/iPod connector and have a 16 GB memory stick loaded with literally hundreds of CDs which sound great thru the system. While there's a slight (1 or 2 mpg) penalty because of the larger wheels, the ride, tighter steering, LED headlights plus fog lights and heated leather seats make this almost a totally different automobile than the II, III, or IV models. I paid sticker price for the car, even though it came loaded with two pricey options I would not have ordered but I'm glad, now, that they are on the car. One is the remote starter which lets me get into a cooled-off car that's been parked in the sun for a while. Go for it and enjoy!! Stu
II-IV owners who elect to remove the hubcap covers (the look of which an astounding 65.63% prefers) are probably getting the same mpg hit as us.
I have a V with NAV. Test drove a III/IV then the V. V handles better, does have nicer wheels. Has the fog lights which have not used yet. The LED headlamps also are nicer looking. I have read various places on the Internet and Priuschat and consistently the larger wheels are reported to give a few less mpg. It makes sense with the bigger wheels, more resistance. But better handling especially with winter coming up is worth the decrement in mpg to me. I am getting about 49mpg. The screen says it's a little higher, but based on the pump fills it is about 49mpg. The V's are harder to find. My salesperson told me they are making less of them. Have seen some available on Internet searches. I think the V was definitely the right car for me. Good luck with your decision and your searching.
The statistics I saw here somewhare showed about 20% of the cars are V's. I don't know that they are any more scarce than any of the others. Everything seems scarce when it's what you're looking for. I "ordered" a V but in reality all that really happens is the region matches up the "order" with inventory on the ship. The ships come in with V's and allocates them to the various dealers. Probably going through a larger dealer might increase your odds however I got mine fairly quick through a small dealer in a small market area. I believe you will take a hit on FE with the V, but I wouldn't own anything but the V. After 5100 miles we're averaging a little under 46 mpg (47.5 if you trust the computer_I don't). I love the looks of the LED's but they do not project out too far. The brights light up to the next city, but they use the "yellow" bulbs (some have replaced them). The incremental cost for the V seems like a bargan if you're at all interested in the wheels, LED's and fog lights. The wife just took a bump in the rear from a 99 Caddy and we will be replacing the bumper skin soon ($650+). Just got the HH back from an accident repair ($14K) and looking forward to the 27mpg while parking the 14.5mpg Expedition.
As usual I am back to living up to my screen name. Priusdreamer. I cannot seem to get a Prius V, with no other options, no matter what I do. In the NY tri-state area they only sell it with the ATP. No offense to all those who chose that package, but 4500 or 5280 to have it park itself, etc. seems downright ridiculous. That is the ONLY way they sell it in this area. Tried numerous Mass. dealers and no one has a gray or blue V with no other options. I am at my wits end and wish Toyota would wise up and make more V's. Called Toyota of America and they were supposed to have a dealer call me and even that didn't work. They never even called. I love toyota's and want my Prius, but Toyota is really pissing me off, with their sell whatever they want attitude. Sorry, had to vent.
It took being put on a regional list to get the car allocated. There should be some allocated, for the Northeast, in September, per what I have heard. The problem is the allocations are not done prior to port and the dealers have no control over what they receive. It is worth the wait for the V with ATP, IMHO. The ride is far superior and the DRCC is great on long expressway trips. Good luck!