The dealer I am working with told me yesterday that there may be a last minute change to my destination charge. The minute he said that my alarms started to raise. I am always nervous about the "last minute" anything when buying something so big. I like to go in with everything worked out ahead of time, financing, price, etc. He told me that the amount listed on some other cars he has been getting in is different than that originally on the VIR. He also said he has no control over that price bump. Is this true? Can they just raise it like that at the last minute? My VIR says 750 currently. Does anyone know how I find out the exact invoice for my car too so I can know how much they are making here. I'm getting a 2010 pkg III w/ Nav. I read somewhere that I can look that up, but am not sure where. Thanks!
$750 as it has been. Your the first to mention any "change". Changes are usally published in advance and well reported by the media. $24,800(msrp base) + $750= $25,550 then you add the mats ect. This should be on the window sticker by law. There is a "what did you pay" sticky thread at the top of this forum check there.
I'm feeling a bit stupid but I don't see a sticky about what people have paid. I see one about models and options.. is that the one you mean?
is it really the destination charge, or could it be the cost of the new USB and they are just saying it is the destination? My destination charge was $750.
It is most likely the safety connect and USB stuff forced down our throats. Unfortunate we will be seeing this often and I read this somewhere on here also others are getting this charge. Here it is
It isn't the option charge, that has been rolled into the cost of the NAV for the III, bringing it to 2030. I already knew about that. He says he doesn't know what it will be.. .but that he has seen a change on a few others he's gotten. I looked online and all I see is 750, so if he tries to change it at the last minute, I might balk.
They are probably trying to squeeze you for more money....and I wouldn't let them do it. If there was an increase in the destination charge, we'd probably hear about it by now... Bryan
Do you already have a signed purchase agreement? If so, they shouldn't be able to change anything; you've agreed on a price. If they try to squeeze you for more money, I would walk away from the deal.