First person to stop me in parking lot to talk about the car. I enjoyed a long conversation with a person who stop me in the parking lot to discussed the car. Always a nice feeling to have someone else ooh and aah over the car. He thought that people buying cars for image like porsche, bmw and mercedes were ridiculous. He asked about MPG and packages. He said this would be his next car. He also talk about the carbon foot print and wished everyone would be more concerned. Just thought this maybe interesting. Wasn't sure how many people even notice the difference between the 09 and 010.
Hi Mitchell, I had the attendant at the Costco gas station ask me a bunch of questions about my car. The GenIII is my first Prius, so I still have problems looking at other Prius on the road and I can't always tell the difference between the GenII taillights and the GenIII. I don't have any idea what distinguishes GenI from GENII or GENIII and even less idea about different years within the GenII family. It's tricky to me. --TK
When we got our first Prius in 01 it was very common, for people to ask. I even kept printed sheets with Prius Info for my wife to hand out in the car. Now it is only common when gas prices near $4.
TKY, a quick way to distinguish a Generation II from a Generation III, is to look at either Toyota badge on the nose or tail, the Gen III's are a little larger, and (the important thing) is the background is BLUE, the Gen II's are Green! Also, there is a crease running down the side of the 2010s, that's absent on the Gen IIs. David (aka Blind Guy)
I've encountered several (one-way) conversations with outraged drivers pulling up next to me b/c I'm going 50-55 on the highway [getting 58 MPG]
hmmm. I promised myself that once I started driving my new Prius (this past June) that I WOULD NOT become a driver that slows traffic, from a stoplight or whatever, or street / highway travel speed limits. ie - Don't c r a w l out from a stop with cars behind - keep to the right if "at the speed limit", don't antagonize drivers that are in a hurry---nutty or not. I did not want to give us Prius owners a bad name - deserved or not. Pre-Prius I really never encountered an abnormally slow or disrespectful Prius driver. That's good. It's smart for us NOT TO "outrage" other drivers. An extra mpg or so is not worth potential road rage. Off my soapbox.
I see a lot of people looking hard and they pull up as if to ask a question but I think my short military style hair cut makes them apprehensive. Maybe someone (hint) can come up with a bumper sticker which reads (ASK ME)!!!
A couple came over after parking soon after we did. They were waiting on theirs, on order. They said 6 weeks. I just had 100 miles on our "Vapor finally turned reality", so I didn't have any great words of wisdom. Hope they don't have to wait too much longer.
Mine gets a lot of long looks and many comments. Sometimes when I've just parked and am getting out with someone looking intently at the car, I'll say "Sorry about the loud muffler." It always gets a smile and almost always sparks a question and answer session.