On the Homelink Auto Dimming Mirror, when the system is on, the left light is green. When I push my Homelink garage door opener, the same light now blinks red as long as I hold the button. What is the light on the right for?? I have never seen it on. Thanks!
If I'm not mistaken, it's the indicator to let you know if the Auto Dimming Mirror is Off/On. David (aka Blind Guy)
There is only one light on the Homelink mirror. The thing to the right of the center button is the sensor it uses to determine whether or not the dim the mirror.
Exactly. That's how the mirror can see the difference between headlamps behind and a sunny day. It looks at the light differential from front to back. Tom
If the Mirror does not 'Auto-Dim' enough for you, you can do what I do. I took a roll of electrical tape, and made a little 'square', several layers deep. I keep it on the back of my mirror, and when I am in traffic, where the mirror does not dim enough, I move that little square of black eletrical tape over the front facing senson, and almost immedieately, I see the mirror dimming until the headlights behind me turn green and dim, and stop bugging me...