I was so intrigued by the window tinting topics on the main board I followed a link to a site (forgot where already) that said tinting the front windows is illegal in Illiniois. :angry: Has anyone done the back? Does it look strange to have the back done and not the front? And if anyone knows of a good place to get mods done, please post it. I'm thinking of several but don't know where to look to begin.
Did you end up getting your tinting done? In the past, I've used: Riggs Brothers Tops & Interior 2407 Warrenville Rd Downers Grove, IL 60515-1726 Phone: (630) 852-1717 Got a phone quote the other day for a buddy on his 2008 SporTrac and casually asked about a 10-glass Prius. I think they told me about $400 as it's a lot of glass to cover. I am "planning" to have it all done. Lighter on the driver/passenger front doors and probably pretty dark on everything behind that, including both pieces of rear glass. Jim
No, never did. And Downers Grove is a ways from Gurnee. Trying to get EBH installed and then iPod integrator and will return to windows.
I haven't even got my Prius yet but should by the first of next week. Just searching the forums & ran across your post re: tinted windows. My husband has a customized PT Cruiser & Pontiac Solstice & I presently have a Dodge Charger RT that all have tinted windows. We were stopped twice within a week because of the tinted windows. The letters my husband had stating he was photophobic (eyes are sensitive to light) was no longer good. According to the policeman you now have to get a form signed from an eye Dr. stating what condition you have that would benefit you having tinted windows (including tint on the front side windows). My husband got the form off the Sec of State web site & we now have WT plates on all 3 cars. Needless to say, the plates on the Charger will be transferred to the Prius & the windows will be tinted! It takes quite a bit of searching on the web site for the form but well worth it to keep the fuzz off our tails.
Here is the Sec of State web site for the Tinted Window Certification. It took me about three months to get the plates. Tinted Windows
Just so you know there is a law waiting to be signed by Quinn. It basically states you have have 35% all around, 50% on the front windows and 30% on the rear windows, or nothing on the front windows and as dark as you want on the rear windows (currently legal). Hopefully this will get signed quickly so my 35% all around will be legal. Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB3325
Thanks for adding this reference. I'm hoping to find out soon that our new Gov. has signed the recently-passed bill. As I recall, it allows no tinting at all on the windshield, except for the top 6 inches. For the two front windows, there can be no tinting if any other rear window has less than 30% visibility. If all other windows have at least 30% visibility, then the two front windows can be tinted to 50% visibility. Finally, if all other windows are at least 35% visibility, then the front sides also can be 35%. No metallic or reflective tinting is allowed, however.
you are correct with the above. no tinting on the windshield except for the top 6 inches. i am getting mine tinted this wednesday. hopefully quinn will sign this quickly. if anybody needs to know a good shop i can recommend one. great work!
Just got window tinted yesterday at Shaded Days, Inc 28835 Herky Dr. Suite 105 Lake Bluff, IL 60044 847-816-8468 (Mark) I just have 5% on the back and as soon our governor will sign the new bill, I will have the front tinted to 50%. He did a great job. He is reputable to Audi's, Mercedes, BMW car guys.
Just so you know that will not be legal. You can only have 30% in the rear and 50% on the front or you can have 35% all around. If you have 5% on the back, you can have nothing on the front.
Heads up: the Illinois General Assembly site shows that the tinting bill passed both houses in May and was sent to Governor Quinn for signing last Friday (June 26, 2009). Anyone know how long our Governor has to sign (or turn back) this bill? I bought a 2010 Prius V (Blizzard Pearl) over the weekend, and I am looking forward to getting 35% tinting on all side windows as soon as this new legislation takes effect. I think I will make a copy of the Illinois tinting bill and carry in my glove department for the next few years---I am sure it is going to take a while before all of the IL law enforcement agencies are brought up to date on the impending new regulations.
Do you mind sharing approximately what Shaded Days would charge for all side windows (35%) on a new 2010 Prius?
I can't recall for certain, but I believe it is in the range of 30 to 45 days. I know the Speaker of the House is supposed to have bills to the Governor within 30 days of the date the revised bill has gone through third readings and approval in both chambers. On the question of 35% tinting, don't forget that the car already has side windows in the 74% to 76% visibility, so 35% film could take the car beyond the approved visibility limit. I'm looking at 50% film all around.
Sorry for the long post, but I can't post the url of the site since this is only my 2nd post. "If the Governor does not act on a bill within 60 days after receiving it, it becomes law without his signature." "Before a bill becomes law, it must be presented to the Governor. Under the Constitution, the Governor may sign a bill into law, send it back to the legislature for recommended changes, veto or reduce an appropriation item, or veto the entire bill. The legislature can override a full or item veto by vote of three-fifths of the members elected to each chamber. The same is true of bills sent back for recommended changes (the so-called amendatory veto). The legislature can restore a reduction of an appropriation item by a majority of the members elected to each house. If restoring the reduction is made and the bill returned to the Governor, the Governor has the option of approving it or vetoing it in full. Bills must be sent to the Governor within 30 calendar days after passage by both chambers. If the Governor does not act on a bill within 60 days after receiving it, it becomes law without his signature.
Vetoed. It'll probably be back up in October. Review status here: Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB3325
Actually it appears he vetoed it because a technical issue with the bill could be construed to indicate that factory rear tint could be illegal. Here is the text of the Governor's veto message to the House of Representatives: