I recently had Pinnacle 35 tint applied to the side and rear windows of my 2010 Prius 2. The sides look great, however if you focus on the rear window tint film you can see an orange-peel texture. This causes blurry vision out the back, especially for headlights behind me. The rear window also has several specks which appear to be trapped bits of lint. I don't know how this could happen since it's the same film and the same installer all the way around the vehicle and the other windows are fine. Is this normal, perhaps due to the shallow angle of the rear window? Or does it indicate a bad tint job? I'd get it re-done but I'd hate to waste the money if it's not likely to get any better next time around.
I have Pinnacle 35 installed on all my rear windows (except for the bottom hatch) and the hatch has no orange peel texture or distortion...sounds like a bad install to me (assuming the tint has had a few weeks to settle). Take it back to the place where you got it tinted and ask them to redo the hatch...if there really is a problem with it they should do it for free.
I had the orange peel thing too. After a couple of days, it went away and all was fine. Hold old is the tint job?
It was installed a week and a half ago. It's been exposed to plenty of sun and heat in the meantime. The vehicle is stored outside in central Texas, and we're in the midst of a record drought and heatwave.
It happened on my 2006 but I have not noticed it on my 2010. I think it has alot to do with the quality/brand of the tint being used by the shop where the work is done.
Pinnacle is a high-quality tint by a high-end brand. It has more to do with the quality of the install, at least in this case.
Well I wasn't able to take it by since the tint shop is quite a distance from here, but after describing the problem they've agreed that Pinnacle tint should be optically clear and they will replace the rear window tint. I'm also hoping the next time around won't have nearly as many air specks under the film. Tentatively scheduled for two saturdays out, 9/12.
I had the same thing, but it should fade as it dry's. I'm planning on removing my tint off of my hatch, I really do not enjoy everyone's headlights being reflected off of the defroster lines. Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks.
Just thought I'd post a follow-up. My installer removed and replaced the rear window tint and it's significantly clearer now. They say it may have been a bad piece of film. I've also got a couple of air specks under the new film, but quite a few less than last time.