Please help me understand what is different with the blue tooth that you can get without Nav and the blue tooth that you get WITH nav. I know that the bluetooth with a navigation package includes streaming audio.. that isn't my question here, I'm having a hard time with how to be clear about what I'm asking. LOL! (I've already had coffee too) I paired my phone to a package V without Nav at the dealer and was impressed with the quality of sound etc. My concern is, with the navigation package, does it change the way the bluetooth functions? I'm hearing some really mixed reviews on the Nav system and wonder if having it changes the way the regular blue tooth functions. My question is does the blue tooth you get without the nav package basically become a completely different thing if you get the blue tooth that come with the nav? I'm trying to figure out if the blue tooth I tried is one thing and the blue tooth that you use with a navigation unit a completely other product ,or is it simply an upgrade of the same product?
One difference is w/ nav you can more easily access & perform functions on the touch screen. There was a thread on this subject a while back--try a search for more info.
I did. Hmmmm... I am clearly still not being clear about what I'm trying to find out. I guess I want to know: if I'm buying the "bling-bluetooth-1000" with the package III, is the one with Nav still the "bling-bluetooth" only perhaps the version 2000? Or is it an entirely different product, bittabang-bluetooth-240" for instance. Does that make sense? Is it the same product only better, or a different product that does the same thing?
In theory it should be the same, both integrated into the jbl audio system. In actuality, a couple of people have complained about the outgoing sound quality (the sound that people you call hear). It so happens that those complaints have been people with the NAV. Here is a link to a discussion about one of those complaints: As far as I know, she has not resolved the problem. You will see that people without nav report excellent sound quality as do some, but not all with nav. Maybe coincidence. I'm biased. I don't like the nav system in general. See my sig below.
I have Bluetooth without NAV. One thing it does not do is transfer your address book, I don't know, but I think the NAV will transfer your address book. All entries in my Bluetooth are manually entered, kind of a pain. Other than that, it works FANTASTIC, and the voice recognition is top notch.
Prius model III with Nav did transfer my contacts from my Samsung Verizon phone. Seems to work well, but the microphone apparently picks up fan and other noise.
+1 I'll add that I believe there is a limit of 20 numbers in the contact list, the NAV probably has more.