There is some rubber on top of front grille where front of hood meets it, but I noticed there are 1/4" holes around inside outer edge of front of hood where it looks like some rubber weatherstripping could go - anybody notice this? What do you have there? Only noticed because after washing I opened hood and found more water than I expected, mostly around fuse box area...comments appreciated
I just went out and looked at mine and I have about 9 of those holes on the front inside of the hood. Don't have any idea what they are for.
That rubber is for aerodynamics, so the wind goes over the hood instead of in that space between the bumper and hood, not for waterproofing.
I suppose that is possible but water intrusion could be issue also IMO - thanks for reply - I assume you have same holes in underside of hood w/o any additional weatherstipping attached there. Only questioning this issue because my other cars have weatherstrippping rubber attached there...
I suppose that is possible but water intrusion could be issue also IMO - thanks for reply - I assume you have same holes in underside of hood w/o any additional weatherstipping attached there. Only questioning this issue because my other cars have weatherstrippping rubber attached there...
Hey, SlowTurd. How do you like that hood deflector? Is it helping to deflect bugs from smashing onto the middle of your windshield? Cost? Available from Toyota dealers?
i don't' have a hood deflector. matter of fact i'm still waiting for my car i did have one on a subaru but, eventually took it off i prefer putting on the 3m protective film which i had on my 2005 3.0r usually they attach from the underside of the hood. the little silicone dots you see go between the deflector and the hood to prevent rubbing. it will eventually get dirty in-between. you will protect the hood a little but the front bumper is what takes most of the abuse