Today my outside temp reading was 86 degrees when the real temperature from the radio station was 78. Is this due to the car being in strong sun? How accurate are the temperature readings from the car and where is the sensor?
Sensor is in front of the radiator. I expect a warm car, or sun could affect it some, when the car is parked, and the air isn't flowing past it. Pavement can stay warmer than the ambient air too, so it may be low enough to read a bit high from that too. Mine generally reads 2-4 degrees higher than my outdoor thermometer when I first start out in the morning.
not moving will increase the temp especially if parked on pavement. ive seen my temp at 105º before until i started moving then it drops to down to something reasonable after a minute or two
I just thought the difference between 86 and 78 was pretty high. Also, the car was not parked but was on the highway. Anyway, as long as it goes ...
I find it quite accurate, within a degree or two when I am driving it, compared to temperatures displayed on signs. The car's OAT resolution is in 1 degree celcius, converted to farenheit, which is roughly 2 degrees in farenheit.
I'm younger than this particular comedy sketch, but I am familiar with the Hippy Dippy Weatherman done by George Carlin. Well, he refers to the temperature at the airport being xx. And then says something about wondering who lives at the airport. Well, that is the case with the radio station thermometer. Nobody lives at the radio station, and the temp they read on the air is probably not even an actual temp they have gotten at their location, but one provided to them by one of the many commercial or free weather information sources. I'm inclined to believe that the temp you are reading on the MFD while driving is accurate to where you actually are located at that time.
The reading will be off if you've parked the car in the sun for a while. After 5 mins or so, it'll show a truer readout
I have little faith in the temp reading of radio or tv stations. In my area, the temp may vary greatly around the county. I have a "good" (read expensive) outside thermometer located out of the direct sun and the media temp may vary by ten degrees below or above my local temp. I also notice that, as I drive around, I see commercial signs that are the same as my car temp indicator and a block or two away, I see another sign that is radically higher or lower. This was true of my previous car as well as the current Prius. Also, in the previous car, it took ten minutes or so and several miles for the temp to stabilize at a reading. Starting the car hot, it read excessively hot for quite awhile. Haven't notices this trait with the Prious as yet. So, I take the media temps as only a general reading of temps (almost as good as hot, cold, mild, etc.) and take the car reading as closer (if not also excessively accurate either) to what the temp is immediatly outside of the car only at that moment. Relax.
If the temperature differential really bothers anyone, you can have it adjusted by the dealer with the hand scanner.
Here in San Diego the radio stations use Lindberg Field for the official temperature. This is the airport and it is right off San Diego Bay. Needless to say the temperature inland are a bit higher. It wouldn't be unusual at all for the official temperature to be 78 and for it to be 86 where I am. I find the temperature once I'm moving to be pretty accurate.