Does anyone have issues with the car making a light screeching noise when you apply the gas or brake? It's like 2 pieces of metal rubbing together for a faint noise, also loud sometimes as well??? Thanks a lot
Can't say I have heard that... how many miles/km on the car? How long have you heard it? If it was just the brake pedal I would like it was the calipers. Peter
There might be some linkages rubbing. If it is reproduceable on demand, take it in to the dealer for a look-see. If not, wait till something blows up and then take it in. YMMV, Peter
I believe that's what happens after a rain storm on your parked car: the disc oxidizes (rusts) quickly on exposure to water. This is normal as the steel is formulated for abrasion resistance, high temps and maintaining temper. Oxidation is unavoidable with this particular formulation. After a rain and rust to the disc, you'll hear a gentle grinding sound when your brake pads connect with the discs. The sound you hear is the pads clearing rust from the discs.
Maybe he's referring to the electrical whines when you accelerate, esp. in EV mode (when the ICE isn't on to drown out the whines) and the whines during regen? To the OP: If you have sufficient charge and are stopped or at low speeds, push the EV mode button and accelerate w/the windows down. Do you hear electrical whines not unlike a subway or electric streetcar? Also, what if you brake while in neutral? There should be no regen in neutral and you should be relying on the friction brakes alone.
I heard the same noise on other 2010 I saw driving down the road but it still makes a loud squeal so off to the dealer it goes.....