Actually no i didn't. Up near the top of the window is a blueish bar with a bunch of words going agross it. One of those words is SEARCH
Yes, I did that thank you much - did not find sufficient information and tried a new post - please, don't bother me again!
I got mine done earlier in the week. Was $199 including a sun strip at the top of the windshield...this from a very reputable shop and in an area with a high cost of living. Therefore, don't pay more than $200 and they shouldn't even be inquiring as to if you want ALL the glass done or you're probably going to a crappy tint shop.
For what it's worth....if you see a post that you think is redundant...just don't read it. No reason to ridicule another poster. Not cool, LRKingII. Better to just ignore it.
96 replies to the following thread...should be sufficient information there: