First car I put stickers on window. One a green 4 leaf clover I used to have one on my alfa that came with the car. Today I put I a troll sticker I thought my wife would like but she didnt so I put it on my car so far.
I am excited to be starting my masters program this fall so will probably put my school initials in the window like I had done on my last car and school. (New car, new school this year) My son likes to coin phrases that would make good stickers and we always talk about making the effort to figure out how to get them made. My current favorite is: Embrace your inner geek.
I easily found that t-shirts with the "body climbed mt. washington" slogan exist; you could probably find stickers too. Cafe Press has stickers that say "This car couldn't make it up mt. washington" and the like. If you don't mind some size restrictions, there are quite a few places where you can compose your own sticker using online tools and submit an order. In this case I needed the sticker to be just about the same size and fonts/appearance as the original, so at a distance it's a recognizable pattern, and a local digital-printing sign shop had no problem reproducing my hacked artwork onto adhesive vinyl with solvent inks that should last quite a while. Wasn't exactly cheap, though. . _H*
While not really bumper stickers, I did put one of these 'stickers' on each rear-side windows. Then I also have this sticker in the place where my ham plates will go when they come. View attachment 18070
I once saw a bumper sticker that said "Rehab is for quitters" and laughed my butt off. I notice the atom symbol a lot lately, which is good for identifying fellow Atheists.
I like the Rehab, too. Here's one from the atheist site that I found tempting: Teach Children That God is Make Believe However, I suspect that would be viewed as an invitation to vandalism. How about: Solstice is the Reason for the Season
There are also some choice religious ones. This one on sale at the local Speedway gas station made me chuckle- "WWJD? Not Tailgate"
I said this on the other thread. I would like to have a bumper sticker that says: -- I do 70MPG, not 70 MPH. So get off my butt. --
Just thought I'd bring the average # per Prius in this thread. We have about 20 on ours, with a back stock of about 25 more. We rotate them every couple of months to keep them topical. Never had a problem with damage or fading on this or any other car and they've all come off just fine. I've met some interesting people, and had some great conversations with people of all stripes as a result of our stickers. I've never had any damage and we frequently have some pretty controversial stuff on there. What's not on our car (and not just because there's no room!) is a dealer sticker or dealer license plate frame. Never got the appeal of giving free advertising. Cheers, Dave
Love it! Saw this.. can't remember were but seems the perfect fit for my not so perfect christianity: wtfwjd
I have an NPR window cling. I'm amazed by the amount of people I know that ask me what the initials mean. I also have a magnetic fish with the Jewish star in it and it says "Gefilte". I have never actually put this on my car though, for fear of retaliation from the hard-core Christians in my area. Sad, isn't it?
How do you remove the old stickers? I may go for a window cling of my favorite hockey team. Wonder what the overlap of Prius drivers and hockey fans is in my area?
Just peel them back off. Gently lift a corner with your finger nail and then maintain even pressure as you pull and almost every one comes off in one piece. If you buy high quality thick vinyl stickers (lots of ours are from cafepress) and don't leave them on for years (yes, I'm talking to you people who still have Kerry/Edwards or Bush '04 stickers on your cars . . . ), they're a breeze. We park our Prius outside which probably shortens the life of the stickers, but ours are changed as soon as they start to fade and/or we want to change the message. So most are on 6-9 months max. Edited to add: Just noticed you're in St. Louis. If you see a Magnetic Grey Gen II with a bunch of stickers that's almost certainly us! Cheers, Dave
One or two: Plate: "2D AMND" with "Member National Rifle Association" Stickers: "<insert obama campaign symbol> Sign of the Easily Fooled." Sarah Palin 2012 Impeach Obama Proud Not to Be a Democrat Conservatives for Conservatives (McCain Excluded) I'm the NRA Isreal You are not alone 1-20-2013 Let me keep my freedom, you can keep the "Change" Socialism is NOT the answer Some gave all, some gave nothin Obama lied, a shelter pet died Obama Lied My Law School Parking Permit Cheers, Roger