I'm having an amplifier added to my base (non-JBL) system, along with new speakers and a mini-sub, but I'm keeping the head-end unit to preserve steering wheel and touch screen functionality. Do they need to tear apart the dash to get to the four sets of speaker wires coming out of the head-end unit, or can they get to these wires w/o taking everything apart? They need to get to the speaker wires to install line level adapters and run the RCA's to the 'hidden' cargo hold in the back, where I plan to have them install the amp and the mini-sub (then run new speaker wire back to speakers). Any advice appreciated. I'm just trying to avoid the potential for damage, rattle, etc. if it can be avoided. Thanks.
i believe that can all be done without disassembling the dash... I could, however, be completley wrong
[font=Comic Sans MS:ce9d38070c]The dash comes off pretty easily, mostly held on by nylon snaps. It sort of peels from the outer edges to the center. Check out the KB for pictures. You'll get a better install if they can get in to work.[/font:ce9d38070c]
It would be easier to get the speaker outputs from behind the header, especially if you are going to maintain and amplify a 4 zone (RR,RF,LR,LF) system.
the 'header' is the head unit. It's easiest for them to access all of speaker outputs right there rather than ferreting them out where they head into the doors. Pulling the dash apart is no big deal, actually, it's very easy compared to other vehicles I've had. And, I haven't had a problem with rattles. Quite honestly, I've pulled mine apart doing modifications so many times that I've actually lost count. To put yourself and the installers at ease, look for Eddie Bells's XM radio installation. It's a PDF file that is a how-to on taking the dash apart. It's great at explaining and includes photos.
thanks much, everyone. this helps so much - especially the pdf on dash removal - i might even try this myself !