Just got the estimate of repairs from Farmers - the other guy's insc. co. - and thought you might be interested. The estimate is based upon "Motor Crash Estimating Guide" for an '09 Prius Touring model; they have NO data for the 2010 Prius yet! Estimated net cost of repairs is $1,096.52. I am thinking "Good Luck Farmers"!!! There is a clause for "supplemental damages not on the estimate". And to their credit they handed me a check for rental car reimbursment to cover three days of repair. Estimated net cost of repairs . . . . $1,096.52 Brake-down of costs (figures rounded): Repl RT Fender liner . . . . . . . . . . $108 Repl Emblem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 46 Repl Front bumper/splash guard . . $335 Repl RT lower lamp & fog cover . . $ 68 Body & Paint Labor & supplies . . . $508 Misc. incl sales tax - parts disc. . . $ 28 The above first posted in "Body repair estimate as follows" but got little viewing so reposted it here.
Home to NE Oregon July 6th, contacted 'local' Toyota collision repair facility (2 hours north in Lewiston, Idaho) July 7th and am expecting parts to arrive there perhaps as early as August 6th. Sheesh! Not unlike the guy trying to replace a cracked windshield in another tread, 2010 Prii parts are hard to come by.
Eeep! Must order lots of bubble wrap and wrap up the Prius when we get it. Hope it all gets sorted out and fixed soon.
I may have the distinction of being the first person in America to total their new Gen III Prius. Yesterday morning somebody turned left in front of me as I was going straight and I T-boned them going about 30mph. She admits to me that she screwed up, but of course when the cops show up she tries to claim that she had a green arrow. My car is either totalled or close to it. I'm actually hoping they total it, because there's no way they'll ever fix it to factory conditions when the damage is that extensive.
Same thing happened to me. I dented/scraped the right rear passenger door and quarter panel in our parking garage. The State Farm adjuster entered it as a 2009 so that the part/cost numbers showed up properly -- 2010 not in their system yet -- then entered the procedures/parts as a 2009. At the end, he went back and noted or overrode the 2010 in the car-info part. Estimate was exactly right -- I assume non-collision damage is pretty predictable: less likely to have hidden damage.
Yeah, the airbags went off. In case anybody is wondering about the safety of this car, the only bump that I have from this major accident is a small one on my shin from the knee airbag. The car took good care of me. Side and passenger airbags didn't deploy though. I just heard from the body shop. They won't be doing the estimate until Monday, but they said since it's so new, it's likely not totalled unless there's hidden structural damage that they find when they take it apart.
For any one following this saga, I finally got the repaired Prius back on August 12, about 35 days after repair order was faxed in. Turned out that more damage was found and additional parts had to be ordered brom L.A.. Cost the other guy's insurance $1,404.
35 days??? Holy crap. If it took 35 days to get yours fixed at $1400, then I'm completely screwed. My repair estimate has reached just over $17k. They're claiming just over a month to fix it, but I have very little faith that they'll hit that date based on your experience.
Make sure you file a diminished value claim as well: iCan Diminished Value | Claims FAQs | Consumer Tech Support
I looked into that initially, but the other driver was lying to the insurance about what happened, so it looked like my insurance would be paying for it, and they won't cover diminished value. However, since the police report showed that she was at fault and her insurance is now paying, I might be able to do that. Thanks for the heads up.