purchased a silver III w/ light grey leather interior (dealer installed) and wanted to hear back from III folks who are without factory NAV as to where they located their GPS units. Also, what's best bet for keeping light grey leather interior clean/protected?
I use a friction mount for my Garmin. Sometimes I put it on the left of the steering wheel and sometimes to the right. I have this one and like it. Garmin - Portable Auto Friction Mount for Select Garmin GPS - 010-11280-00
I've got a Garmin friction mount like the one pictured above and I place it on the dashboard slightly to the left of the steering wheel. I specifically didn't want it suctioned to my windshield or my dash.
I put mine to the left of the steering wheel right near the little window (see attached). I'm using the friction mount, and I saw someone else here put theirs in a similar spot but with the windshield mount suctioned to the side glass (they inspired me). The nice thing about this location is that you can easily run power down the rubber gasket by the door and then under a small plastic shield to the lower accessory power port. You can still see a little cable at the unit and at the power port, but not much.
Application on my V: - Backup camera monitor under console - direct wired to rear camera with on/off switch - GPS mounted on left dash - dedicated 12V socket and hidden power cable
Is it awkward looking at your backup camera from under the console? Also, do you keep your monitor there or do you remove it when you park your car?
My TomTom is currently suction-mounted as shown in the picture, not elegant, but I can see the screen a bit better than when I had it on the little window to the left of the steering wheel.
Did you have to remove the dash to get the power cable to come out the seam like that, or were you able to get something flat in and wiggle the cable in place? I'd like to get mine to look like that.
DeanFL - I like your location for either a dash or window mount - can you explain how you ran your line from there and installed a dedicated 12V socket & hidden power cable?
I've only had my Gen III for three days, but I did go out with the Garmin 255W once. I used the dashboard friction mount depicted up the thread, and I think I put it right in front of me, directly in front of the steering wheel. I'm fairly tall, and the Garmin did not obstruct the windshield at all, and it required the least amount of looking away from the road in that spot.
Answer a few questions below: - Looking at the backup monitor under the console - not really an issue from down there. Certainly not the perfect location, but a glance now and then. Also I have it powered by a dedicated switch so I can power the camera/monitor on anytime - ie before I shift to reverse or backup. - Getting the GPS power cable to the dash. Simple to remove the inner door area weather stripping to run the cable up through to the dash, and the cable slips right between the small window light trim piece and the dash - it just separates a bit with little pressure. - Link to the install for the 12V socket in the PC Mods section of the forum: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...ations/67614-added-12v-socket-under-dash.html
What are you using to mount your iPhone/iPod touch in that pic? I've been trying to find a decent solution.
This thread recommended ProClip, which also makes GPS mounts: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...ius-cell-phone-installation-kits-proclip.html Hope that helps.
I just posted this in another thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...min-type-gps-in-2010-prius-3.html#post1002159 A gooseneck lets you mount it just about anywhere. I also saw some really long ones on eBay that you could hook to the seat or the floor.
I use the same friction/bean bag mount for my Garmin as the others have noted. But I place the mount on the dash directly centered and turned towards me (the driver). Therefore the Garmin is above the radio portion of the dash. I, too, don't like any permanent dash OR window mount. And, BTW, I stow my iPhone in the front cup holder. This seems to be sufficient for charging, using the AUX jack and even using the Navigon GPS app. The signal strength seems to be okay this way, and I can still view the turn instructions, if I need to. Also available, besides a vent mounted clip is a friction mount for the iPhone. One of these types is available at this site: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001DQQBVW
Preference or not I would highly recommend against friction mounts of any kind. In any kind of an accident (even a fender bender) that 8 ounce GPS will become a missle capable of killing or injuring anyone it hits. Even potentially ricocheting around the car.