Have a dealer installed block heater, but the cord is wrapped up next to the heater since we got the car in early July. The salesman wasn't able to tell us where to position the plug other than to wiggle it out of the grill. (we didn't get any instructions with it). It doesn't appear that there is a way to get it through the grill though. Living in the Midwest where we get snow and ice and a lot of salt is used on the roads, was wondering where the best place was to have the plug exit the grill if people are in fact getting it through the grill. Noticed a bunch of people getting the heaters installed so would be interested in hearing or seeing where your plug is. Never having an engine heater before, would also be interested in any tips on how you keep the plug clean or clean the plug in the winter (it does have a plug cap). Thank you!
Where are you located, I could come and position your cord. The cord should have a cap on the end of it to keep the plug end clean and dry. The plug being in the grill usually does not present problems unless you like to use the Prius as a plow. Most people have the plug come out the bottom for appearence. It can also come out the top grill if you don't want to bend over, just not as neat looking an install. Wayne
Would like the cord to come out of the top grill instead of the bottom of the car. Nope, no plow use intended, just a bad back and would prefer not to have bend down or deal with the snow/ice melt on the lower end of the car or the garage floor. You mentioned coming through the grill wouldn't be a problem, but we just don't see an area where one could get the cord to come through anywhere on the top grill. Have you been able to wiggle the plug through anywhere on the 2010? Thanks for your offer of meeting to position the cord, but we live in Des Moines, IA so we're pretty far from you.
My end hangs down way inside, next to the inverter and relay box, and I just crack the hood open one click to run my feed cord in. Keeps it out of the yuck. . _H*
Des Moines is a day trip for me, if you'd like me to come and get that cord straightened out just PM me. Wayne
Thank you for the offer. Just found out our dealer is going to have one of those get togethers for new owners next week, so I've RSVP'ed to attend. Hope to talk to a Service Rep and get my questions answered. If not, I might be in touch. Thanks again.