The rear window is so nicely sloped and with the black hood scoop and tint its really sporty. Even the front window while lying back in the car has a unbelievable slop. People complain about the rear visibility but with the small window below the scoop I think you have more view than most cars? I think the rear window is very understated does anyone agree. This has to be a top design. I'm trying to compare it to other cars old corvettes, dino Ferrari's, it looks like the 67 fastback mustang. Anyone else remember their favorites?
Although it looks just fine, visibility is reduced. I am also having fogging problems now in the morning (damp and cool). The defroster takes care of it, but is necessary. But I think this is normal for any hatchback.
In the full UK Prius brochure there is a diagram for all the measurements etc., and it shows a direct rear view of a white Prius and I think it is wonderful. The way the second small window sits between the tail lights and under the spoiler...well it just seems so right to me. Always love that kind of rear arrangement, all the way back to the orginal Honda CRX. Practical? I can live with it...because it looks so good!
I have the white pearl and the rear window has a thick black outline and then the tint, I wonder why the black is there. I also had the honda CRX hatch. To make the car so aero dynamic toyota has created a wonderful design. If this was an Italian car I could see a 12 cylinder through that window.
I don't find it beautiful but I think with the change to the black spoiler and slightly different shape it's a huge improvement over the Gen II. I think visibility is fine compared with some other cars.
I like the look a lot and I'm sure it contributes to good aerodynamics. Now, I'm still getting used to the horizontal blind spot. I don't know how they'd to it, but if they could make a single piece of glass where there are now two and a spoiler, that would be really great.
It does get some getting used to. However, I find that the separation bar also blocks the headlights at night from a car in your rear. That is one great placement.
I think the black outline probably hides the steelwork and plastic etc., behind the glass. Would have loved to have a CRX when I was younger ....but it was never to be. Hardly see one on the roads now and if you do it has been butchered by some kid modding it with huge exhausts and horrible body kits.
I find a lot of great aspects to the car, the designers are probably constrained in some way to make it appealing to the masses and to make it practical. Hopefully the 2 door models will follow with some more sporty looks and less constraints.