Hey Guys, Last year we had a PriusChat Fantasy Football League. I PM'd the member who started and administered that league last year, but it appears he no longer participates here at PC. So, if there's interest I'd like to solicit someone to volunteer to be commish and start a league (I like ESPN, but wherever you prefer is fine). Last year Danny even offered prizes to the winner, I think and we can certainly twist his arm...and maybe even Prius Team for some goodies. Times getting short for starting a draft. Any interest?
I have set up up a fantasy league on the NFL's website if anyone's interested. I know what you're thinking, what does he know about American Football! But I'm a long time Bronco's fan and have played FF on the NFL site for longer than I care to remember - with some good seasons and some....well could do better seasons . Anyway, not sure about the best way to direct you to the site so I'll try give you the basic link NFL Events: Fantasy The league is a Private League called High Voltage Running And the password is Synergy It is an Automatic draft......because I can't think at two in the morning or whatever time it is for the Live Drafts . Draft Day is the 5th of September 2009. Please join in. PS Never set up a Private League before so if you have trouble finding it or joining please let me know.
Thanks for doing this! I'll move your other thread in the 3G forum here soon, but hopefully we'll get a full league. Just FYI, last year I had to recruit from cleanmpg, priusonline, greenhybrid and elsewhere to fill up the 10 player league. So keep an eye on things. I'll get my 10 year old son to sign up, so we should be up to 4, but it will take a little effort on your part to fill the league.
Thanks for joining and a big thank you to your son! :thumb: Could I ask a very big favour, to save me joining the other forums you mentioned, please could you spread the word and I'll do the same in the TOC Prius section. Thank you.
Let's see how things go here over the next 4-5 days, if we need to expand our recruiting efforts then we can.
OK; fine. It was fun last year and I gave everyone else a confidence boost by performing so poorly. I'm in.
Thank you very much Betalgeuse :thumb: Only FOUR more lucky people needed and this league is flying! lane:
I'm in. My old league from the last few years is moving too slowly so I'm joining the Prius group. Hope that's okay!
More than happy to have you, thank you for joining us jpadc! :thumb: Only three spots left folks, get them while they're going!
And we are down to the final two! :cheer2: Who will be next? Will you join up? Have fun and pit your gridiron knowledge against your fellow Prius owners!
Thanks! I'm a big fan of good beer (and wine, and whisky), and a long-time CAMRA member. Amazingly, there are 6 or 7 places selling real ale here in St. Louis - several bars as well as brewpubs. Not a patch on most small towns in England, but definitely progress - especially in the hometown of Anheuser-Busch (before it became yet another division of InBev). Cheers, Dave
Sadly, I read earlier this year that six pubs a day were closing down in Britain, mainly because of two reasons: people were drinking cheaper supermarket beer / wine at home and the binge drinking teenages causing trouble in pubs-clubs-town centres were keeping people away. Anyway, enjoy a pint for me!
Only a few days left to grab the final place! That's right, only one spot left. You don't want to miss the fun.
It is sad. The use of alcohol as a supermarket loss leader is not a very good social policy. Hopefully, the pubs (city-centre youth-focused boozers apart - I think there will always be a demand for those, though I can dream . . .) that survive will do so by focusing on high quality beer, primarily from local brewers. As an outsider, I do see some redundancy in having 8 or 10 pubs in a smallish town all basically serving the same range of keg/lager with perhaps one or two keeping a real ale on (often in dodgy condition). I guess each has distinctions as to atmosphere, crowd and geographic location/proximity, but it seems a tremendous use of resources. I'll enjoy two! :thumb: Cheers, Dave
Are you ready for some football!! There's one spot left in the fantasy football league. See details above on how to sign up. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Go Pack Go
Come on folks, one spot left. There's gotta be an arm-chair fan that wants to play. No cost, no risk, and lots of fun.