Took delivery on Friday night and had a flat tire on Monday. Took my car into the dealer on Tuesday and they found a screw and gone through and damaged the sidewall of the tire and they could not repair it. The dealer had not received any of the new 2010 Prius tires which I was told are slightly larger than the 2009 tires, so they had to order a tire for me. Hope to get it on Friday. I had only drive my car three times, so I am really anxious to have it returned! Was also told that no warranty will cover this, so it will cost me $140 to get the new tire replaced. I like my dealer who was very helpful, but I'm still in shock that I had a tire on a brand new car that drove my usual route to work, etc. - something I never expected.
Wow, talk about bad luck. Thats a real gray area there, I can definately see your side of it. I can also see somewhat where the dealer comes from too. You have probably already tried to get them to pay for it, but what about even meeting you half way on the cost or even sell it at their cost (no profit)?
Same thing happened to me five years ago shortly after taking delivery of my 2004 Prius. Bad news was getting a flat on the highway. Good news, I thought, was spotting a major Toyota dealer less than a mile away Yet they did not tires in stock for what then was a very new car. There should be a lesson here for dealers.
It's not the size, it's the brand and compound. LRR tires are pretty hard to find. Plus, no one wants mismatched tires on a brand new car.
I took the car back to the dealer in hopes that they would make an adjustment on the tire (financially pro-rate). I was also concerned that something else might be wrong, so I just went back to the dealer. You are also correct in that I would not want to drive a new car with mismatched tires. Just wanted to share with other new Prius owners the possibility of having to wait for a new tire, should the unexpected need arise. I hope for others it does not. Look forward to getting back on the road!
The same thing happened to me with my 2010 Prius II. I have a brand new Bridgestone Ecopia EP20 tire with a screw in the sidewall. There are none of these tires in Austin, Texas. Even the dealer has to order them, delivery date as yet unknown. This is a rather surprising and upsetting problem to encounter in that it could have and should have been anticipated by Toyota’s supply chain management and the dealerships. I understand that these are new low rolling resistance tires and that they are difficult to find. I also understand that these tires were specifically developed to match the original equipment needs of third generation Toyota Prius hybrids. This was an obvious problem waiting to happen. The dealerships should be stocked or should be prepared to offer alternate solutions so that their customers are not left without the use of their newly purchased cars.
This is freaky, it has happened to a few others on here... I am thinking Honda Insight owners are up to something.