Got out of the Prius last night with all in good shape. Had a few severe thunderstorms over night (enough to lose our phone line until this afternoon) Back in the Prius this morning and there's no XM signal. When I powered on, the radio was in the "off" position. Strange, because I powered off with the radio on. Hit the mode button to cycle through to SAT1, SAT2, and SAT3, but they weren't there! There's no recognition of the XM receiver even being installed. Is it possible the lightning struck (directly/indirectly) the Prius and fried the XM?
its possible sure... but seems to me you would have lost more than just that. everything else still work?
Everything else is still the same. Ironically, that's the first thing I thought. I checked my current MPG and FM radio presets and everything is right on. It just seems strange to me that everything was working well, then overnight without being touched, it no longer works!
A friend of mine was recently complaining he was on his third receiver. The prior 2 just quit on him. The lightening my have had nothing to do with it. Call the company. Apparently it was a known problem and they were working on it. I wish I could remember the brand of the receiver. It was a major electronics company that much I do remember because I was surprised that there was a defect like that.