2009 Puget Sound Toyota Owner's Fest!

Discussion in 'Local Prius Club Main Forum' started by PSTOC.org, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    It's that time again! Start finishing those projects or rent that car dolly cause we want to see EVERYTHING Toyota!!!


    Official Link

    We'll see you all there!!!

    Update: Ok due to paypal being a bit unreasonable we will no longer be accepting payment from them for this event. If your planning on attending Sunday please e-mail all your info to [​IMG]. Payment will be due day of the event and will only be $10 +Toy donation because of all this hassle. We thank you for your patience and understanding and look forward to seeing you there!
  2. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    That was rather cheesy that you posted a series of "welcome" replies just so you could post your banner in here.....
  3. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Pre-regestering is now open! Toy donations will be required onsite, day of, to complete regestration. Remember the toys are for underprivilaged children at christmas time and will donated to toys for tots at the NW Toy Run this year. There will be a prize for whom ever donates the most toys. There will be a scale, so no getting away with buying a ton of dollar store toys.
  4. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Bump! Many raffle prizes keep getting donated. Lots of cool stuff!!
  5. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    We'd like to welcome YotaWorks and Play N Trade to our sponsor list. Thanks for all your support!!

    6 weeks left to get those projects wrapped up!!
  6. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Time for another reminder to please start pre-registering so we can have all the trophy classes and team parking figured out.. You can buy raffle tickets at a cost of $1 each with no limit on how many you can buy for the raffle car at the show. You must be present to win, title will be signed over AT THE EVENT! Speaking of which here's a little teaser of what it is. We will announce what it is including pictures a few weeks prior to the event! No having to guess whats under the sheet [​IMG] All I can say for now is it's low mileage for the year, has a darn near indestrutable motor, is an auto, and would make for a good DD or project car. Oh and it's not a camry [​IMG]
  7. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I'm sorry your forum did not allow us to post right away so we had to do what was necessary. We don't mean to come off as spammers we just want to get together everyone who loves Toyotas and have a fun event. We are a not for profit club so if you think we just want your money that is wrong. We just wish to hang out with like minded individuals. We'd love to see more pruii at this years event. We had 2 last year and know there has to be more of you out there that are not just commuters but enthusiests as well :)
  8. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Ok weekly update time. Looks like we have a new sponsor. I'd like to welcome mckenziespoor (Welcome to Ideation Design Group!) He will be onsite selling some awesome clothing with his automotive inspired designs and we will be raffling off a few as well! Ok here is the list of categories as of right now. If enough people (5 or more) with a vehicle not specifically listed pre register you will get your own category as well.

    Please note that if a model is seperated by a / it is a different trophy, i.e. FWD/RWD that means there will be an award for the rwd AND fwd of that model.



    Corolla rwd/fwd
    Celica rwd/fwd
    Old School Other
    New School Other
    Supra 1-3/4

    Street new/old
    Off-Road new/old
    Truck Other

    Other Vans
    Griots Choice
    PSTOC choice
    Best Paint/Graphics
    Toyota Powered
    Best ICE
    Best JDM
    Longest Travelled
    Club Participation
    Highest Milleage

    Now on to this weeks raffle car hint and since I'm a BTTF fan I thought I'd have a little fun with it and put it in trivia form. "The year of the car is the same year Marty McFly was so desperate to get back to, in Back to the Future Part 1"
  9. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Ok boys and girls it's this weeks update. The big news is t-shirts. Yep thats right for the first time you can remember the event even if you didn't win anything. These are an awesome toyota inspired design by our friend and sponsor Mckenzie Spoor. You can buy these at the event for $15 each. [​IMG]
    Now to the part everyone has been waiting for, this weeks raffle car hint. Hopefully next week it'll be ready for the big unveiling. It's RWD and a hatchback or in toyota speak liftback.
    And as always PLEASE keep those preregistrations coming in. The more we we get the better show we can have!!
  10. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Ok it's getting down to the wire now. It's less than 2 weeks away so if you've been waiting to pre-register to see if you'll be busy that day or a meteor was going to fall or jesus would rise up again, then by now you probably know if the 30th will be free. We need to hit 100 preregistraions to ensure a most awesome event date next year. So help us help you have a great show this year and next!!!! So please please please PLEASE send in those prereg's!! Raffle tickets will be sale only on site day of now so please take note of that. As for the raffle car the big reveal will be next monday so no more hints ;) Ok so new news is we will be having a "Pop off" contest. Yes all you kids itching to rev at each other will finally have a chance! It'll be crowd choice so get ready to cheer for not only the loudest but the best sounding car. Sign up at the event. We will be inspecting the canidates before hand and eliminating it down to 10 finalists. So if you brought your stock car with just a cone filter please don't sign up. The winner will recieve a special award like none of the others that day.
  11. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Ok a little early but due to Paypal being a pain in the butt right now I have to ask if your planning on pre-registering today or tomorrow please hang on. They are having issues with our account and will be fixed shortly. Don't worry if you already preregistered all that info is safe. If we can't resolve it quickly we will have another account for you to send your money and info in to by Tuesday at the latest. Also to make up for any inconvience and to encourage preregistration we will be giving 1 free raffle ticket for the car, to all that register.
    Now for the good stuff.

    We would like to welcome Aqua Rec's Swimmin' Hole and Fireplace shop (Aqua Recs Swimmin Hole & Fireplace Shop - Pool, Spa, Pellet Stove, Gas Inserts, Wood Stoves) as a sponsor of this event. There will be a mobile hot tub at the event that is available for rent from them. Please contact the for pricing. In other news the trophys are on order and will not be your generic steering wheel or winged angel figure. Now on to the car. I know I promised pics but I have a bit more work to do on the paint and will have pics posted up by wednesday. BUT that doesn't mean I can't tell you right now what it is :)

    Raffle car is..............1985 Toyota Celica GT!
    Engine: 22REC, the motor that'll run with a hole in the motor. Youtube it :)
    Fuel injected
    102,000 on the odometer
    Automatic 3 speed with overdrive

    This is a fully drivable, great running vehicle. It has A/C, though the belt is not connected and the system is empty, it has cruise control that is fully functional, all HVAC works perfectly(heat, blower, ect.), power mirrors, interior is brown 7 out of 10 and is fully detailed with Griots Garage products, exterior is decent, most notably a large dent in the bottom rear quarter panel. Hatch is COMPLETELY rust free!! this is rare in of it self and has the stock hatch wing with some after market upper plastic visor type wing, doesn't look bad. Comes with a Panasonic CD player, and Rocksford Fosgate 10" sub.

    Now this isn't what you see at the mall with all those WIN this car or $xxxx kiosks. But this is a real, gas saving, take it home that day car that you can win for a $1!!!
  12. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Bump! Anyone who wants to pre-register and hasn't already, please read below:

    Update: Ok due to paypal being a bit unreasonable we will no longer be accepting payment from them for this event. If your planning on attending Sunday please e-mail all your info to [email protected]. Payment will be due day of the event and will only be $10 +Toy donation because of all this hassle. We thank you for your patience and understanding and look forward to seeing you there!
  13. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Ok folks here's my last update since tomorrow is final prep day and man will we be swamped. I'd like to say thanks for all the supporters that have been keeping these threads alive even though there's a few that have just me talking to no one :) I'm actually bummed I wont be updating and visiting alot of the boards now even though everyone of them has something cool and special to offer. I sadly just can't keep up on them all regularly. But enough of this sappy stuff, on wards towards destiny I suppose.
    Ok so there will be food on site and best of all it's FREE! This is the good stuff even though it sounds simple. We got one of the best(according to most of us who've eaten her food) chefs in the state, in full control of our grill so your in for a treat! If you were at last years event you know of the goodness that was her chicken. But this year we have grilled cheese(from an actual bbq grill), tomato soup, hotdogs, the ever popular fish crackers and thanks to Griots, free drinks as well. So yes it's free but if you want to toss a dollar or two into the tip jar, we can reward this lovely lady's efforts with a spa day or something :)
    Ok with food annoucement out of the way your probably all going "We don't care about food, where's the damn car pictures you promised us 2 days ago?!" Well I appologize for being a few days late and must appologize further for not having a final pic of the car BUT!!! I can show you before and work pics of the car. So here we go!
    First day just bought, yes thats my fat head in the driver's seat :)
    Preping the car
    Paint mixing
    First 2 coats drying
    Why we named the car "Anarchy"
    Twins putting on the final coats 2 days later
    So you get the general picture and why we felt the need to paint. It is not clear coated so you can choose to continue the process if you wish, or sand it prime it and have a cheap paint job by maaco or just rock it as is. Will have final pics up tomorrow or will have to wait til you see it in person depending on the schedule.
    To wrap this up I'll just say We'll see you there!!
  14. PSTOC.org

    PSTOC.org Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Puget Sound, WA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Folks you were just AWESOME!! Much thanks to everyone who came and celebrated our 5th anniversary doing this show. It was by far the best one I've been to and hope it was for you too. Next year will be insane! Please come tell us what you thought and feel free to post the pics you took as well. And heck just cause the show is over doesn't mean you can't join us on PSTOC all year long. We love you all. Without all of you the show would not have been anything near what it was. So please post your replys on this thread.

    Puget Sound Toyota Owners Fest '09 - Aftermath - PSTOC Forum

    We'll be keeping you up to date with our goings on atleast once a month so don't worry we are just going to bail on you now that it's over.