In addition to the $3500 or $4500, Cash for Clunkers says the dealer can keep $50 out of the dollars received from the salvage company for any administrative costs. The rest is supposed to go to the ex-clunker owner. I checked with my dealer today to see if my clunker was hauled off. Not yet. Then he told me they would be keeping the $50 allowed for the administration fee, PLUS $30 to pay for the chemicals to kill the engine. I can't find any reference to the chemical allowance on the site. Has anyone else heard about this.
No and I asked about my salvage value. They acted like they had never heard of that. If I want it, I will have to fight for it. Doubt I will. $30 sounds awful high for "liquid glass"
I simply asked what the scrap value of my car was the day I went in to put a hold down on an incoming Prius. My salesman acted a little befuddled, then said it was $50 for all cars. So on top of the $8,000 I got from the state and federal governments, I received $50 as well for the scrap value of my clunker. Honestly, I was just happy to find a dealership that would give me both state and federal C4C discounts, so the scrap value was a very small issue.
they gave me 100 for scrap value w/o any request. when asked they said that is what they dive on all CFC deals.
My 'clunkers' dealer was advertising $250 scrap value! This in addition to the $3,500 and $1,000 Toyota incentive totaled $4,750 that was taken off the negotiated price of the '09 Tacoma. Thanks Broadway Toyota, Portland, Oregon. :rockon:
Mine said they had a contract with a scrapper and the way it worked out they expected to lose money on the deal and there'd be nothing left for me. Sounds a little fishy to me so I may call and check on it later, after I think they've gotten around to scrapping.
I'd have to look, but it was on the order of $75 and I didn't need to ask about it. They just added it into the purchase agreement. No separate charge for liquid glass.
My dealer Kearny Mesa Toyota estimated the value at a standard of $200 for all trade-in. Surprise they claim they go only $200 for my good condition 1997 Mitsubishi Montero Sport XLS 4WD. I got ripped off and somebody made a good chunk of $$$$$. Nearly new tires, 2 airbags, leather interior etc
The dealer I went through acted like they didn't know what I was talking about. They claimed that it was costing them "hundreds of dollars" to dispose of my clunker and there was no way that I was going to get any of it. When I spoke to the manager and told him that it even clearly outlines it on the CARS website that the dealer was only allowed to keep $50, he said there was no such statement on the website. I offered to show it to him on his computer, but he quickly responded by telling me the CARS website was "down" and we couldn't get in. So I whipped out my iPhone and showed him CARS website and where it clearly stated the rule. He had a long look on his face, sat there for a minute, and then said "Look, you're already getting a great deal by getting $4,500 off the price of the car, so you shouldn't be concerned about the scrap value of your car." After some more exchanges back and forth, his final stance was "You're not getting anything for the scrap value of your car. If you don't like it, then you don't have to buy this Prius." I said no problem and bought the Prius anyway. But afterwards, I filed a complaint on the CARS hotline and I gave the dealership exactly what they deserved on Toyota's survey... Bryan
The CFC site specified that the dealer was to determine the salvage value according to a formula. Any dealer that refused to give the salvage value was cheating the buyer. The dealer was allowed to keep $50 from the calculated salvage value. CFC specified no allowance for the chemicals. Earl Stewart Toyota in North Palm Beach, FL guaranteed a minimum of $225 salvage value toward the purchase at delivery.