Just wondering if anyone else has bumper stickers on their Prius. I just put a "Coexist" one on my car. Sweeeeet!
I would not suggest it. I could get Vietnam veteran plates. And, certainly, in my heart and as a 26 year retired military officer, I've thought about a small American flag on the rear. But, no. Also, these Prius unique license plates could be another option. But, no, I'm going to be "low" key. I don't have anything that I have to prove to anybody. Personally, I don't think that you need to add a tacky bumper sticker or special license plate to your nice car. Just simply enjoy your vehicle.
I use my plate surround to explain my plates MOREFPG, more fun/freedom per gallon. Otherwise nobumper stickers. Am thinking about the bumper guard......
Get one person from every religion shown on that sticker together in one room and see how well they "coexist".
I held out for 2 years, but now I have the "NSK" (Notorious Sock Knitters) logo and a small "got oxygen?" sticker from Mt Rainier National Park, my favorite spot on earth. I didn't think Fiona would mind. I bought a sticker that said "I am in favor of the separation of the church and hate", but decided not to put it on Fiona lest someone with a differing opinion take it out on her. I also have vinyl clings from Hybridfest 2007, 2008, and 2009 in a back side window.
A short poem to brighten your day: The only bumper sticker I would put on my car*, Is the one that I use as my avatar. *But I don't put bumper stickers on my cars.
This reminds me. . . on my Facebook account I've been making bumper stickers and uploading them as photos. It's my way of not putting them on my car but still having them more-or-less out there. If I had to choose one to actually put on my car, it would be this one:
It's a crying shame that you have to consider 'retaliation' for expressing your aversion to hate.:Cry:
I shared a place with a group of girls and we all were of different religions (not just variations of christianity) and we got along just as any roommates would (good and bad). Just get past the stereotypes people. I love the "Coexist" sticker. I don't put stickers on the paint of my car, but I do put the "cling" type on my windows. It would be awesome if I could find one.
No sticker of any kind has ever been affixed to any of my cars in 40 years. IMHO, a car is a vehicle, not a fashion/political/ecological statement. I make my statements myself where they are relevant, not on the roadways. The same will be true of my new Prius, if only I can get my hands on the one I want (stay tuned). Just my point of view. It's clear that others have the opposite idea--I've seen a few vintage vehicles that seem to be held together by their stickers. They are fun to read!
I'd like a window decal or license plate holder for my minivan that says, "Our other car is a Prius". Anyone seen one like that?
I say this on a brand new white 3G yesterday, "Starve a Terrorist, Drive a Prius." Quite a statement. For me, I've got, "Ma'am, trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. I have no interest in doing it."
i never have put stickers on any car. it's like putting ketchup on fillet mignon. plus some paints fade over the years
I had never put anything on my car... until a few days ago. No jokes, no political opinions. But I am a sucker for cat and a supporter of the local SPCA, so with so many cats not finding good homes because of the state of the economy. I decided to get one of their "please spay/neuter" magnets. But then I found out there are no metallic surfaces in the back of my Gen3 ! Well, at lease the round magnets fits perfectly on top of the fuel trap-door.
My path to stickering started with the car partially being a training mule and attractor for people interested in hybrid tech at energyfests and car shows, as well as a certain amount of "safety bling" that went on as part of the ongoing effort to get people to back the hell off on the highways. Some of it stemmed from just meeting interesting people or going to interesting places. So at this point it's gotten pretty well stickered-up and will probably only get worse over time... . . I'm particularly proud of the latest one on the lower left, of which I have nine more that got printed up and am considering what to do with the rest of them -- give to people that find amusing, sell them at cost, make more and set up shop in the auto-road headquarters parking lot, maybe? Who knows. Compare to the original that they gave me: . . There was NFW I was going to put their standard-issue on my car since I *have* climbed the thing myself, will probably do so again at some point, and felt kinda guilty about *driving* up. But it was a fun little jaunt, and it was amusing to have them trying to teach me about "B" mode at the entrance gate. . Hey, *there* would be a good excuse for a New England gathering -- converge a bunch of Priuses down in the Pinkham Notch parking lot some morning, and then do the climb! . _H*
Bumper stickers are like jokes - they get old really quickly. Still, I must admit to having used a few. My favorite was something like this: Join the Army, Travel to distant, exotic lands, Meet interesting people and kill them. affixed to the bumper of my red, 1969 MGB, which I drove, sporting shoulder-length hair, often wearing an olive drab shirt with my combat infantry badge and 173rd Airborne Brigade patches attached. I must admit that I loved watching in the rear view mirror supporters of that war going ballistic. Many of the those people - and their offspring - seem to consider Prius types to be Socialists/Commies. Currently, I only have a Wag more Bark less sticker attached. But I sometimes can't help offering up a woof or two...
I've long lusted for a sticker I could attach to my backpack that says something like: This Body Climbed Mt. Washington. Would you print some of those?