Just want to say Hi to everybody from Columbus, Ohio. I got my 2010 Prius II exactly 4 weeks ago and I'm very happy with it. Have driven close to 1,300 miles, constantly averaging 62+ MPG, computer calculated. Over the Labor Day weekend, we're going to have a trip to Albany, NY. I cannot wait to see what MPG it's going to be.
Hello, Glad to hear your enjoying your new car. I'll be driving near you when i take a vacation in Mi later this year. Hope you enjoy the forums.
Hi Buckeye and :welcome: Glad you're enjoying your car - and congrats on the great MPG! Let us know about your road trip!
Welcome, Buckeye. I hope to be driving Ohio way from NY some time before the end of the year to try my hand at the flatlands The grass is always greener....
When you go to Albany over Labor Day, be sure to go just a little bit further north to Saratoga Springs. It's the last weekend of racing season and this is a wonderful classic race track over 100 years old. Definitely worth the detour!! My husband and I will be there, although unfortunately my new Prius is still in transit, so we'll be in our old 2002 Saturn. Later in September we hope to be cruising in our new Prius. We're so envious. Enjoy!!!
I'll duly report my driving experience. I plan to go I86 and I88 route instead of my usual route of I90, with former being more hilly than the later. I figure hilly road would generate higher MPG (right?) though I90 is 30+ miles shorter. Also, I have to pay $25 more with I90. I really enjoy this forums!
What're your driving conditions? Mine is mostly local. The freeways I routely drive are currently under construction with a speed limit of 45 mi. This morning I drove completely locally to work, achieving a whopping 75 MPG over the 10-mile route. But as I drove out of the garage after the work in the afternoon, it became 65MPG with just 0.1 miles driving distance added. My impression is to not use EV mode because you pretty much have control over whether to kick in the gas engine, assuming the engine already warmed up. I would think MPG will be suffered during wintertime.