I ordered by red IV with SR in June. Was told a few weeks ago that the ship would arrive 8/24 and I'd get it a couple of weeks later. Got call yesterday with the VIN. They got the wrong color . While waiting I was offered another IV that came along in white but it was a bisque inside and I turned it down because I just don't like the two-toned look. I know I'm in the minority but it would make me crazy. I'm flexible with exterior color but stand firm in wanting dark gray. The dealer didn't call me today to let me know the latest. I wonder if they are avoiding or searching for a trade?? McGeorge in Richmond, VA. This happen to anyone else? I'm hoping McGeorge comes through with good news soon but I'm not holding my breath.
Hang in there Mary, I know it can be frustrating but I'm sure given a little time they'll locate the car you want. Don't settle whatever you do, it may take a little longer than you were hoping for, but get what you want as this is a big purchase. I'm hoping for ya'!
Major bummer. Hold strong on the interior color though... I will never buy another with a light colored interior again. Got the dark grey in my Prius and I am happy with it. Start calling around to other dealer yourself to see what is out there... Peter
I definitely agree, don't settle. It's the interior that you'll be staring at when you drive it. It will be worth the wait!!!!!!!!
Ouch! I know what you mean about the interior color though. That is the one for sure deal breaker I have. It must be dark grey or no go. I had a light interior on my honda and I will not do that again. fingers and toes crossed that they find you a car!
Good luck! I love my dark grey interior, had tan on the first Prius and it was not pretty when I traded her in.
With time, it will come in. Don't settle for something you do now want!! I had a very nice light blue Prius GII that had the bisque color seats. Today, I have the dark grey color interior on a Prius GIII. I really like it. And, I know that you'll like yours also.
Mary, my salesperson told me that 95% of the cars come in with a light color rather than the dark gray that you'd like. Too bad you're having such trouble getting your preference met.
Another vote for the Dark Gray interior! I, too, don't prefer the look of the two-tone interior and would not have been able to tolerate the misty gray or bisque. It's really frustrating to have such anticipation for getting your car and then have to wait again.
Wait for what you want. I agree don't settle. It's your hard earned money and only spend it when you're happy. I'm happy I waited for my dark gray interior on my 2006. I even convinced my mom to get dark gray interior for her 2010.