For those business types and whomever who uses Post-A-notes no surface on the dash or center console will a Post-A-note stick the only place it will is the window glass. Has this been the experience for those that have tried sticking a Post-a-note on the dash or center console?
Have you tried a stapler? Works for me. Interesting point here. Has to be the matte finish and 'leafy' texture. Should work on the A/C screen / audio / Nav. THAT sure would bring the note to your attention; as it blocks a vital function. But, better than forgetting to call the boss at 1:30 or that milk on the way home.
It's a bit of a stretch but if you have longish arms you can write stuff on the windshield with a grease pencil.
Or on the drivers side window. Then when he runs it down it erases and has a clean surface to start over
I found the cup holder to be the perfect place to store those stickies...they curl up nicely to conform to the cup can do multiple stickies and they conform one inside the other and to protect those precious notes, you can close the cup holder so no one will break into your car and steal them. Just kidding, of course. Is this one of the "dumbest" questions out there regarding the Prius? Oh, and I too vote that the op should just buy a smartphone. I cast my vote for the iPhone.
I use Post-it notes as well, and have noticed that they don't stick. I end up putting them in the cup holder. Don't suggest that I buy a different husband works for Motorola so that's all I buy.
That's the universe saving you from looking tacky. Time to get a smart phone and join the 21st Century! :welcome:
I can picture this scenario: A minor traffic accident, windows open, air bags go off and "POOOF", a cloud of post-it notes ejected like chaff, fluttering slowly to the ground around the Prius, collecting in small drifts, and sticking to the sweaty bicyclist who happened to be passing at the time. Tom
Here's another suggstion. I found that Post It's will stick to your forehead. You could always place them there. Of course, you will need to learn how to write backwards so you can see the note in the windshield mirror. If your forehead is rather oily and the Post It won't stick, you could always use a thumbtack to affix the Post It to your forehead.