[ame="http://www.amazon.com/PLX-Kiwi-Scanner-Saving-Device/dp/B001F05WIE"][/ame] It looks like it constantly monitors your car's vital stats in real-time, and you adjust your driving style in order to get a higher "kiwi score". And a higher score means better efficiency and MPG. Has anyone tried this thing? Will it work on a 2006 Prius? Link: http://www.amazon.com/PLX-Kiwi-Scanner-Saving-Device/dp/B001F05WIE
Those have been around for a while. And while it will work on an '06, you're depriving yourself of extra money and data. The GUI of the Kiwi is pretty, but IMO the ScanGauge II with X-gauge is a far better tool that will give you all the data the Kiwi will plus hybrid specific data you can't get with the Kiwi. PriusChat Shop : ScanGauge II Scan Tool + Digital Gauges + Trip Computers [ScanGaugeII] - $159.95
I agree with "efusco". I have one and now wish that I had bought the ScanGauge II. The ScanGauge II does everything you need for less money. Plus I've had to send my Kiwi back twice for repair. Also, since it's not a touchscreen I find it harder to use when driving.
What extra data will it be missing? The Kiwi seems like it's just meant to "score" as you drive so you can adjust your driving style. The ScanGuage looks a bit difficult to use, like more of a diagnostics tool.
Battery SOC for one. While it may be a slightly steeper learning curve, once you have it set up the extra data it gives you will help you understand how to adjust your driving for better FE, not just when/if you are. There's a ton of information about SGII and how to use it over at CleanMPG.com, but there are many users here as well that can hold your hand through the setup and how to use it most effectively.
ScanGauge lets you see the all important RPMs. I wish someone like Toyota, would develope an Eco Cruise Control that would automatically pulse and glide using most efficient RPM between upper and low limits speed limits. For example, I set minimum 57 MPH and Maximum 62 MPH. This Eco Cruise should also use GPS and route data to anticipate hills and traffic conditions. I am doing better on my own though. Everything is up and down hills around here, so my goal is 60 MPG rather than 70 or 75. By trying to stay in the most efficent RPMs, I have made it up to 58.5 MPG this morning on my comute over the hill. I am feeling acomplished this morning. This tank so far is at 51.2 MPG, which may be my first tank over 50.
The "score" you get when using the Kiwi is not necessarily the best way to know how you did on a particular commute segment. Your score might be "good" but the reasons you did well are not necessarily made aware to you...which is the only way to work on being a more efficient driver. With the Scanguage II you are able to "see" why you are being successful or not by monitoring specific functions of your vehicle. It is by no means rocket science to understand what numerical ranges work best for fuel economy...if I can do it so can you. I would highly recommend the SGII!
Mirroring what efusco said... As the most basic level, monitoring SOC and RPM will start you on your way to improving FE. After you understand the operation of the vehicle within the most efficient numerical ranges you can then move on to more advanced monitoring like throttle position, ignition timing and a bevy of xguages that can be easily programmed into the device. Step by step you eventually work your way up to finding what guages to monitor that work best for you. The SGII is well worth the $150 and will pay for itself quickly in the fuel savings.
Does the scangauge have a feature to export data to the computer, so I can see graphical historical data?
No info export feature that I know of...what type of info do you want to record for each trip or tank?