I was wondering on my 2004 Prius when I use the cellphone w/bluetooth the radio goes off and the audio from the cellphone comes out the driver door bottom speaker only. Please tell me this has changed on the 2010 Prius, at least to also use the top speaker on the door also. It usually sounds muffled only coming out down below. Thanks
I cannot comment on the older Prius, as I have only owned a 2010, but in mine (Prius V with Nav), the sound for phone calls appears to emanate from both the door speakers, and the speakers along the base of the windshield. If you turn the volume all the way up, it is possible to make it too loud, which is not something I could do in my older cars. I think it handles calls (or at least the audio from them) rather well.
Awesome glad to hear that has been driving me nuts. Another reason for me to upgrade to a 2010! At least its not muffled anymore. Thanks
Yes, the incoming sound is excellent but, as mentioned in a previous tread, (bluetooth sound quality), my wife complains that my voice is like a robot when I call her from my car ! I tried to increase the sensitivity of the microphone but it did'nt help much. I hope you won't have this problem !
I too hope I don't have the this problem.At least she doesn't say you sound muffled, just robotic which is strange. From a previous post I understood the sound for the cellphone comes out of the doors and front windows speakers? Sorry for my ignorance. In my 2004 I have 1 large lower and 1 small (tweeter) small upper speakers in the front 2 doors and 1 large speaker on top of the nav. So how many speakers and where are they located that the caller's voice come out of? Thanks!
The cell phone is loud and clear on my side; however, the person I am calling tells me it sounds like I am in a well and they can bearly hear me. More than one person I've called has told me this. The speaker that my voice goes into is in the center of the ceiling. Is there any way to improve this situation? My dealer wasn't aware of anything I could do to fix this.
On my Gen II there is a function in the MFD system to increase the Microphone volume. I too had weak "Talk", but great Listen. I upped the mic volume 2 clicks, works great now. Do a search on adjusting Mic Volume in the posts and you should be able to find it. For the Gen III owners, hopefully the setup procedure will be the same. If not a trip to the dealer should resolve this. In the Gen II the Mic is located in the unit that has the map lights over your head!!
Thanks for the info loud and clear is great to hear... But out of which speakers in the car does the caller sound come in from? Thanks.
On my Gen III V the caller's voice comes out of the speaker on top of the dash, on the drivers side only. The auto-muting of the sound system is nice, and except for the lag in the caller hearing my voice when I first answer (takes a second or two to establish the electronic handshake) the system seems to work rather well.
I've got the Blue Logic add on for my Prius II and it uses both of the front squakers and the audio sound great on both ends of the conversation. I've been told by the person I am talking to that it sound better on their end than the mike on the phone.