I have just been advised there is a new navigation DVD Ver. 9.1 due out on September 1. Since I picked up my car three weeks ago it has Ver. 8.1, do you have to pay $200-$300 to get Ver. 9.1 or is there some way to complain to Toyota customer service.
If you were advised this, I would ask your advisor? Did you see this information online somewhere? I too, would love the new update, but not if I need to pay more money for it so soon after buying the car. Is it mainly a data upgrade, or a software upgrade?
just a data upgrade. And I have not seen Toyota voluntarily upgrade a DVD. Not saying it won't happen, but I have never seen it done. Although, you guys/gals are considerably more "on top" of things than the average consumer.
No way they're going to give it to you for free and lose out on $200-300 (unless you strike a deal with the dealer before purchasing the car). Really no different from purchasing any other electronics before a software update. It's a revenue generator for Toyota.
Au contraire... My 2004 Prius had a GPS DVD upgrade provided with no charge as a result of multiple errors scattered throughout. (Streets assumed to connect which actually didn't, circuitous u-turn routing instead of simple right or left turns, etc.) I've already encountered two such errors on my 2010. One led me down an alley that led to (but didn't actually connect with) a housing development I was trying to get to in Pennsylvania. The second error in northern New Jersey tried to send me into a side-road leading to a farm field while I was on my way to visit my daughter. Hopefully, this update will be done with no cost to the users also. Stu
Different situation. Your NAV system wasn't working right in the first place and Toyota remedied that.
You can either pay the 200 bucks plus what you have already paid for the overpriced nav system or use that money to buy a less convenient (very true) but much better Garmin (for my standards) and enjoy quarterly updates at a much lower charge for its entire lifetime... When I see posts like these and many others bashing the Prius nav system... I just think... what a good deal I have done by sticking to my Garmin... sorry I could not resist...
Don't know what it updates. My wife received an e-mail from Sewell Lexus in Dallas to purchase Ver. 9.1 for her Lexus & I spoke to their parts dept regarding Toyota. & they said that can order the Toyota as long as they know the version of your Prius system. Their price I think is good at $199.00 with a $50.00 mail in rebate if you return the Ver. 8.1 to them with their rebate form. Phil Phil
I'm not bashing the navigation system which works excellent, just the costs of the DVD. I already had a portable system which was stolen out of the glove box by a theif smashing a window cause they saw the wires hanging out. If you don't put it away each time you park even if you stop a few minutes to run into a store, your bound to have it stolen one day. Phil
No, my system was working perfectly. It was just using erroneous data. "Garbage in = garbage out" Stu
Based on my limited knowledge this is NO revenue generator for Toyota but for the DVD data vendor. The margins all along the line on that specific product are way lower than on any other OEM part...!!! :welcome: to the strange world of navigation updates...
I was happy to see that 8.1 in my Prius had some 3-year old roads in it that 7.1 in my Highlander didn't. I'll probably pass on 9.1, and see what 10.whatever does.
Yeah, our point is Toyota isn't going to voluntarily upgrade the DVD free of charge unless there's a problem (like in your case).
You hit the nail on the head, I've upgraded my 2006 with the updates as they come out and the nav is usually pretty bad, just going with a garmin and having updates a click away is the way to go, much better nav system, can't tell ya how many times I've been worse off with the prius nav system than with it jmho
Even Garmin gives free updates for a fair length of time after the initial purchase. It is inconceivable that Toyota would charge any 2010 owner for an upgrade this soon after purchase. After all, the longest any of us have owned the car is 3 months or so. Like so many other upgrades, skipping a year isn't usually a problem. Maybe Toyota will get the hint if NO Prius owners upgrade. BOYCOT THE NAV UPGRADE!!!
. I did not say you were bashing the NAV system. If you think it is good, great, like I said here before, different people have different standards for quality, which is greatly influenced by their needs. I personally think the Prius NAV is awful, but that's just me! I'm glad I can leave my Garmin exposed all the time in my windshield where I live in the burbs of Indianapolis... in my neighborhood, I see cars with the windows down all the time parked outside during the summer.... nobody bothers...
So, have you never read anything about something you don't own? Car magazines, gadget reviews, consumer reports... ring a bell? Come on... don't play ridiculous... Maybe you got a little perturbed by my post because you are one more that invested too much in an overpriced NAV system that will require even more overpriced yearly updates and guess what: the system is not even that great! SORRY I COUD NOT RESIST!