Just got our 2010 model III (non-nav) a couple of days ago, and I was wondering if someone could clear up a few things for me. 1) This is the first hybrid I've driven. I realize the pedals are sort of "fly-by-wire", but is it normal that you have to be much more aggressive with the accelerator in a Prius than in a regular car? 2) I thought I read that the windows (that open and close) are supposed to have "soft stops" -- that is, decelerate when they near the end of travel. On our car, only the rear windows do that. Is this normal? 3) Also regarding the windows, the front windows seem to kind of shift the window/door/gasket alignment when the window reaches the full-up position (I can't really explain it well in words). Normal? Seems like it would cause wear and tear problems after a few years. 4) I was trying to get the "interior lights come on when you approach the car with the key in your pocket" thing working, but it doesn't seem to work. I've got both the interior lights mounted in the roof set to the "door" position, and I'm pretty sure the dealer didn't change any customization settings. Am I missing something, or is this a feature that only comes with higher models?
SCJoe, welcome to our very exclusive club. 1)If the car is in ECO, yes, acceleration requires a more agressive push on the pedal. In NORMAL less effort is needed. In POWER, even less. I stay in ECO almost all of the time and have just learned to accelerate slower. 2)All 4 windows are "auto" open/close. I'm not quite sure what you mean by soft stop, but in my car to move the window a little it only requires a quick touch to the button. A longer touch will result in a full open/close unless the button is released. At leaast I think that's how it works. I suddenly can't remember. 3)I know exactly what you mean when you say that the window shifts to close into the gasket. My Chysler T & C did the same thing on the drivers door. Frankly, I never did anything about it. It kind of made a klunking sound when aligning with the gasket. If it's any comfort, I had my van over 8 years and it never seemed to cause the window any problems. 4)Can't help you on the interior light. Is the wheel at the left of the steering wheel all the way up, without clicking it into "day" mode? The reason I ask is because I was out the other evening and before parking the car everything seemed fine. Upon returning, all the lights were gone. Apparently I must have hit that little wheel that controls the brightness all the way to the bottom and hence, no lights. I have only had my prius for a couple of months, so like you I am learning new things everyday. My best advice - check PriusChat regularly for great information on just about every aspect of the car.
1.) You really don't have to be more aggressive on the accelerator in a Prius than you do in a "regular car." Of course, that depends on your definition of a "regular car." If you are used to driving something that is quick and responsive to the accelerator (like a luxery vehicle, sports car, v-6, etc...), then you might find that you have to be more aggressive with the Prius. Although, the Prius is designed with max mpg in mind, so you'll have to get used to how a hybrid drive system functions and feels. It's definitely different than a conventional vehicle. Also, you'll want to pay attention to what "mode" you prefer. If the Prius is in "eco" mode, it's definitely more sluggish. In "power" mode, it's quite responsive (for a hybrid.) Some folks prefer driving in "power mode" all of the time, paying attention to the HSI indicator to help maximize fuel economy. 2.) Not sure about the "soft tops" on the windows. I have a Gen 3, model II and do not have the "soft tops" that you describe. 3.) I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. When the window reaches the "full up" positon, if your knee is touching the door you can feel the door panel kind of "bulge out" if you will. I suppose this is normal, but I, too, wonder if this will cause problems later on down the road. 4.) Again, my model II doesn't have the "lights come on when you approach the vehicle w/ key fob" feature. So maybe it's something that comes on a IV or V? Nonetheless, enjoy your Prius!
wow... thanks dsviv. you're awesome! need more people to help out the newbies like this.. check out what happened with my first hybrid talk to ya later.. be back in an hour or so.
Hmm, don't believe that's an option or setting - meaning, as you're walking up to the car with the key the Prius senses and turns on the lights? Only if you open with the unlock button as you arrive I'd guess. My interior lights go on when I touch the handle - SKS.
I heard it's to minimize the loud sound from rolling up at full speed, but yeah, I agree, why not the front two? Add that to the "rock guard" film only on rear doors mystery.
You mean without touching the unlock button on the key fob? The int lights go on as you're walking up at night? If so, didn't know that was doable. Must be a customizable feature. Mine = lights go on if I unlock with the remote. Or when I touch the outside SKS door handle. Not by simply walking up.... hmm. Anyone else?
Same on my III...when I get within SKS range of the car, without touching anything, the interior dome lights fade up. One of those things I discovered accidentally...very cool!
Although this has been mentioned in other places, for the benefit of those newbies reading this thread, it is my understanding that you are in NORMAL mode when both the ECO or POWER buttons are "off". In other words, there is no "NORMAL" button to push, per se.
Another point with Prius acceleration (and this has also been mentioned in other threads): the Prius will "feel" to be accelerating more slowly than it really is. That is because (with a full charge on the traction battery) the car will not make much noise when accelerating quickly in its power curve. But a glance at the speedometer will let you know that you are really going very fast. Even with my G2, I go sailing past much larger, more powerful cars when there is a line of us merging onto the highway on fairly steep uphill slopes. The non-Priuses are thrashing around making a lot of noise, their automatic transmissions waisting enery while they try to gain speed. In the meantime, I will have moved over one lane, depressed the accelerator about half-way, and go blitzing past them. I love that feeling! Especially when some of them are higher priced "luxury" cars. From what I've read, the G3 in Power mode should perform even better.
This happens to me as well. If I have the fob in my pocket, when I approach the car, from a side, or the rear, the inside lights fade up, and when I move away, they 'fade to black', so to speak. I have a Prius V, but if you have a III, this may be standard. For those of you who may not have noticed this yet. Try approaching you car in a dark garage, with you fob on your person. It's like the car is welcoming you.:welcome:
It's a standard feature. Try it in your garage with the lights off. Lock the car, walk into the house--out of range. Then go back in the garage and you'll see it--it not, something's wrong.
Aha!!!!!!!!!!! Operative word - LOCKED car. I never lock my car in the garage, especially with the door closed. It works! Another little-known fact, as least to me. Cool.
This is a customizable feature. Look at the Customization section of your Owners Manual (page 582). Under Illumination it says "Operation when you approach the vehicle with the electric key on your person (When the personal/interior light main switch is door position)" and the default setting is On. Ask your dealer to verify that this setting is turned On.
I've been driving in ECO mode all the time. If I press the EV mode, I see both EV mode and ECO mode light indicator on the dash. Is it really in EV mode or do I need to disengage the ECO mode first? Plus, when I'm not in ECO, EV and Power mode, what mode am I in? Does it default to ECO mode even though the ECO mode light indicator is not on? Just a little confused...
When the EV Mode and ECO Mode lights are both on, you are in EV Mode. When you press the EV Mode button again, the car will return to ECO Mode. The same thing is true for the combination of EV Mode Power Mode lights. When you exit EV Mode, the car reverts to Power Mode. Basically, the EV Mode overrides the current mode. When you (or the car) cancels EV Mode, it reverts to the previous mode. When the ECO, EV, and Power Mode lights are off, you are in Normal Mode. There is no button for this mode - you have to turn off the other modes to return to this mode.