I typically carry with me what i need, and not much else. So aside from a first aid kit and the normal jumper cables/small tools to fix unexpected (but not serious) issues, i don't really have much of a kit. That's because 90% of my driving is within the cities, where i can generally only have a road to myself at 3AM, and help is almost literally just around the corner. Ah, the joys of city life. When i do take trips outside of the cities (the 12 hours car ride back home to visit my mom, or up north, or whatever), i always have enough with me for the situation - going up north, pretty much full survival gear... i would be likely to have a decent shelter, fire, and some small critter cooking over a fire before help found me. Going back to my mom's, slightly less since it's 100% highway driving between well populated cities on well traveled roads. During the winter, always have enough gear in the car to be able to walk to the nearest heated shelter/gas station. During the summer, always have enough water in the car to be able to walk to the nearest bar/gas station
Hey, I thought he was serious. Not necessarily to be used in an 'emergency', but they're kinda handy to have around, just in case. Those boy scout lessons of 'always be prepared' apply to all sorts of situations.
I notices, I saw nothing out of the ordinary in the list but you need to make sure condoms don't get hot in storage, they fail. Take it from someone who found out the hard way!
I'm in Colorado, so Im prepared for tornados in the summer and snow storms in the winter. I carry a CERT pack with water, small flashlight, jacket from my military days, socks, hat, an emergency blanket, a candle in a can, folding shovel, multi-tool, knife, duct tape, leather work gloves, latex gloves, a plastic tarp, nylon line, & a couple of two straps. TK
I carry the Toyota auto emergency kit and first aid kit, a lug wrench, a small air compressor that runs off the 12v plug in the car, small flashlight, a blanket, sunscreen, and a safari hat to keep the sun off my head at outdoor athletic events.
Okay, I just found this thread, so, I am sorry Jayman, that I wasn't RIGHT THERE to notice that you stock condoms in your car. In ours, we have a Red Cross Disaster & Emergency Kit, DH and I each have a set of clean undies/socks; I have a toothbrush, a couple of Kotex (these are also great for emergency bandages - I learned that in First Aid class, back when I was 11 yrs old), and a beach towel. I also have a few Lara bars stashed in the car, and we always carry at least a quart of water with us - more if we are going on a long trip. Most of this is under the floor in the back of the car.
Tee hee Well, you got a decent enough kid out of the deal. At least he appears to have the correct number of appendeges and digits If I had feelings, you would have hurt them. out:
One suggestion: I carry a kinetically charged flashlight (one you shake to charge) instead of the candle in a can. both have their advantages and disadvantages: here in Colorado if you get in a deep snow drift I would be worried about the candle depleating oxygen. However, it provides a little warmth, which the flashlight doesn't.
Here in Colorado they now charge you for the cost of rescuing you if you get lost in the mountains. I'm of two minds on this. One, we pay taxes to cover such service. OTOH, if you do something stupid and get lost without sufficient equipment to survive, you should have to pay for your mistake.
I am a believer in having to pay for rescue. It will not prevent stupid but it will be costly for the "hold my beer and watch this" crowd. regards Froley