I believe so. The one that came with my car is the same as the one I downloaded from TIS (and the site only had 1 2010 Prius owners manual.
Yes, the Manual states that it contains information for ALL Prius models, however, I noticed you have a V with the AT (Advanced Technology) package on order, the information on the IPA (Intelligent Park Assist) and LKA (Lane Keep Assist) is contained in a separate Navigation Manual. *A Separate Note* Toyota CS (Customer Service) was kind enough to send me a copy of BOTH the Owners and Navigation Manuals, at NO CHARGE! I had simply called and requested a copy of each, explaining that I was blind, and my wife and I had a 2010 V with AT on order, and that it would be an enormous aid if I could get copies so I could read them before we took possession, so as to be more acquainted with the location and function of most of the knobs/buttons/controls/features. This would prevent me from having to constantly be asking my wife where a particular button/control was, or how some feature operated/functioned. *NOTE* For anyone wondering how a Blind Guy reads an Owners Manual? Well, it's called Text to Speech, and it works like this: I have a dedicated computer system just for reading books, newspapers, mail, manuals etc. This system consists of a Computer (with special Text to Speech software), Audio Speakers and a Scanner (copying Machine). I can take any PRINTED material (CANNOT be handwritten or script print) and scan it with the copy machine, it is then sent to the computer and the text is converted to speech and it is then read via the speakers to me! PRETTY COOL, however, it does tend to make one a little lazy!!! David (aka)Blind Guy
In expectation of my 2010 Prius, I recently tried to access TIS to get the owner manual and some technical/mechanical info (as I did 1-2 years ago for the 2nd generation Prius), surprised to see that the subscription now has to be done through a credit card registered with a US based postal address only... Being in Montreal, I can't get access... :huh: Am I missing something? Is Toyota Techinfo reserved to the US? Is there any Canadian equivalent? Are there others means to get the owner manual before I can get the printed copy with the car? Thanks!
If you have your VIN number and your dealer info, I believe that you can register for Toyota Owners Online and download the 2010 Owner's Manual and Navigation Manual. It'll be a slow go however, because basically you have to do word/phrase searches for each Section number and copy each Section onto your computer.
It would be really useful for 2010 owners and others if someone were to stitch the 2010 Prius Owner's Manual section PDFs into one PDF file and post it on PriusChat. Having the Owner's Manual on one PDF file is very handy because it enables you to do word and phrase searches of the Owner's Manual instead of relying solely on what is usually a very poor Index.
Does anyone have either the single or multiple pdfs? I tried to download from toyotas site and cannot get it.. any help would be appreciated.. thanks
PM me with your mailing address and I'll burn a copy of the full 2010 Prius Owner Manual and send it to you.
OFF TOPIC - Blind Guy, funny you should mention the text to speech software on your computer. I have a neice who is struggling to read college level text books because of some reading disabilities. I told my sister about this wonderful software and it has made a big difference. I tried it on my computer and was blown away by the accuracy of the reading. My, how technically advanced we have become.
I downloades a complete owners manual with the advice contained in this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/66089-line-user-manuals.html#post913114 I'm given to understand that the source is Canadian, so it had wrong information about the rear view camera, and some other details no doubt.