I am trying to make the sound quality of my Bluetooth better For the person that I am talking to. I have watched the Utube video numerous times. Is anybody else having trouble getting the screen to change after doing the "finger dance" is there some kind of secret way of touching the screen? Or is this just a hoax?
turning on/off of the headlight switch when pressing the info/phone button gets to the same initital diagnostic screen
When finger dancing - make sure you're tapping inside of the "frame" drawn by the display settings, not the physical corners of the screen.
Turning on/off the headlight switch THREE TIMES when pressing the info/phone button gets to the same initial diagnostic screen! Thanks for the pointer! I''ve been unable to reliably get into the diagnostics using the dancing fingers method. And the GPS clock is the most reliable way to set your car's clock display.
whoops, sorry, I didn't remember for sure, so I just copied from that other thread. Glad you figured it out.
I tried the finger dance sequence a few times, but it didn't work for me. I also tried the headlight method, which DID work, but brought up a different menu than the one showed in HTMLSpinnr's video. :/ In the YouTube video, the option is labeled as "Receive Voice Level." How sure are you that it is adjusting the microphone's gain level? Wouldn't "Transmit Voice Level" be more appropriate for what we're trying to do here? I still can't get that menu to come up. Maybe I have abnormal fingertips...
I was touching the frame, maybe that is why it wouldn't work. I will try again tomorrow or try the headlight thing.