I just returned from my San Francisco Trip with the Prius and wanted to share a photo.. So let me be the first. Please continue the thread of your travel photo with the Prius.
Woah, what an extraordinary picture! That is truly a sight! My prius has not been anywhere yet except for around my home town.. Once I go somewhere exciting I'll be sure to post some pictures!:rockon:
Well, I can only point out where someone *else's* 2010 was: . . Mass Pike [I-90] eastbound in western MA this afternoon around 4pm, and driving rather erratically. Dove through very close behind me at the last second to make a rest-stop offramp, and caught up with me later [when this pic was taken in my rearview, being that it's still maybe the third or so 2010 I've seen in my area!] and then it proceeded to *not* move out of the left lane after going by me for several minutes while faster traffic piled up behind it. [Note: the picture is, well, mirror-image so the lanes you see are reversed.] Yo! Put down that phone, stop staring at the HSI, and pay attention to what's around you! . Hopefully it wasn't anyone here, because it was not a very good example of how to drive or anticipate conditions. In anything. . _H*
Here are a few pictures from my West Kootenays, BC roadtrip. In order, Kaslo, Slocan, Cody Caves Provincial Park and Osoyoos.
Just got back from a trip to the high sierras ,Mammoth mountain,Mono lake ,Yodemite. 910 miles total ,49.7 MPG 2010 prius @ Tioga Pass
Well here's where I went, and here's my car, but not together...I forgot to take a picture of the car on my trip! Drove to the 50th Newport Folk Festival in Newport RI (amazing!) the first weekend of August. Didn't see one Gen III on the whole trip! Saw a handful of Gen II's in the parking lot at the festival, and a Gen I that was a sedan, not a hatch. (hope the images show up...my first attachment!)
It was a great way to break the Prius in, tent camping for 6 nights and 2200km of driving around BC. Most of the trip was really mountainous and the car had no problems passing. We also drove 20km on a bumpy, steep logging road to get to Cody Caves; luckily it escaped unscathed. Can't wait for another roadtrip next summer!