How'd you get that fire hydrant headpiece on top of the car? Seriously though, it looks good. "Mancard" intact.
Nice ride Fred. It's gonna be hard to get that solar roof package from here on out. You'll be one of the lucky few.
I I'm a guy and was planning to get a dark color. I have had white cars before and did not like it. However, when ordering my car, I saw a blizzard pearl in the dealer lot and was very impressed by its presence. The color looked really good in the Prius new design, very classic and elegant. That's probably why Toyota marketing chose the pearl for their marketing campaign. I can't wait for mine...
I'm a woman but wouldn't want to drive a car that I thought was "girly" looking. But I didn't think of white as being girly -- I was more concerned about it being considered an "old person's" car color, especially now that I am older! I think of little old men and women behind the steering wheel in a big white boat of a Cadillac or Oldsmobile driving around Florida at 26 mph. However, the Blizzard Pearl Prius with the black solar roof doesn't really fall into that category at all. It's fairly small (although white makes cars look bigger) and the roof makes it look quite sporty -- almost like a convertible. And I definitely don't think it looks too feminine. BTW, I didn't like the Gen II Super White at all. I call it refrigerator white because it's the type of white used for kitchen appliances.
The only "girly" color that I think Toyota has right now is the Iced Amethyst that's on the Highlaner. Kind of a Lilac color. THAT is definately a chick color. You're safe with the Blizzard Pearl.
I'm female and have 3 brothers (between age 38-50) so I get these types of questions from them every once in a while (and can understand & respect why you / they ask them). I personally love the blizzard pearl and can certainly understand why you like it BUT I would have to say that I would consider it a chic color (this is just my personal opinion). My husband really likes the color too and would drive my car w/no problem but he would not buy a car that color because he would think it was not (for lack of a better work) mascaline enough. It is a great color though and if you really love it I would say "forget what others might think because it is a great color". Good luck (I know those kinds of decision are touch).
After I bought my Blizzard White Prius I asked on the board what is it with this car it is a chick magnet. I had the several brochures on my desk at work including two other cars I was looking at. All the women that thumbed through the Prius brochure all stopped on the Blue Ribbon metallic and commented that would be the color they would get a Prius in. I know it is a small sample but I'd say from my experience the Blue Ribbon Metallic is the real Chic color.
I agree with you, I think it IS a chic color. Chic is french for cool. I own a 2010 blizzard Pearl Prius and a 1985 FJ60 Land Cruiser with manual choke that I take offroad. I think some people thought that you were asking if you thought this was a "chick" color. But you said chic, as in "C'est tres chic". And I agree, it is "chic." (pronounced sheek).
Chic or Chick? Two different meanings and you have got me confused... Not a gender based color - maybe boring - but it is the color of my new car - I'm a "Chick" and chic but would prefer blue or red
A couple of weeks ago, my brother, 2 nephews and I went for a guys night out in my new blizzard pearl Prius. They all thought the car was very cool and no wise cracks were made about the color. (Trust me, my brother would have made cracks). We went to a burger joint where you don't see a lot of Prii on the parking lot. The car got a few looks but no jokes about four men getting out of a white prius! I just wrote yesterday about not caring what people think. Have the confidence to get what you want, not what your "friends" will approve of. Blizzard pearl wasn't my first color choice but there was something about it that made me keep looking. The photos on this forum also helped make up my mind. I almost bought one with dark gray interior but didn't like the terms of the deal. When I got to the next dealer, the only one left was a blizzard pearl III with bisque interior so I was more concerned about how I was going to keep the inside clean. I've had the car for almost a month and the color combination has really grown on me. BTW, I know it's only been a month but the bisque fabric is still looking good. I bought a can of scotch guard but haven't used it yet.
Nearly ANY pearl color has always been a guy color! Just go look at the custom shades used by high-end paint shops that do special jobs. Go to a paint store that sells automotive paints and ask to see his specialty chart of pearl colors. The pearls have been a custom 'guy' thing since the days when George Barris was customizing cars for rock bands, TV shows and rich customers in the 1960s. Barris.Com! tv The name 'pearl' may be confusing some. But that just refers to what gives a color a special look. It is no more feminine than saying a metallic color is only a 'guy' color. Now, if it ever comes available in Mary Kay pink pearl, that may be a different story.....
First, as someone else pointed out, "chic" means stylish so the answer to your original question is yes. Second, if it's a "chick" color then that means women are attracted to it. I'm all for driving something women are attracted to. Third, and most importantly, you need to find new friends.
Yea the Pink is very girlie even for me!!! I like the Blizzard Pearl. I think it is more chic than the white. I just had a terrible traffic accident in my Driftwood Pearl Prius and it was totalled..... ( I really was upset because I love my car) but I found another one in Spruce Green.. So far it is the only one I have seen in an 2008. I really like the color but it had to grow on me.
I'm a girl, so here is my female perspective. If I went on a date with a guy who picked me up in a Prius, I would be very impressed no matter what the color was. I figure that a guy who drives a Prius might share my concerns about the environment, and might be a nice person who cares about more than just himself. If a date pulled up in a Hummer, or a giant new SUV I'd end the date right there, because I doubt that we'd share the same values or interests. Sports cars are also a turn-off. A man in a Prius is very sexy.
Very bold and brave of you to say that. I don't mean that in a condescending way. It's refreshing to know that there are women out there that don't need to be seen in a convertible sports car and are appreciative of the values of a person, rather than his materials.
You should talk to one of my employees. The only reason she even looked at her boyfriend was because he was driving a Chevy suburban. She is 5'6" and he is shorter than her.