I just traded my battered 90,000 mi '05 Prius on a new ... well, no, a used, low mileage '08. Why not pay a couple thousand more for a brand new '10? Because my wife, the primary driver, can't handle the new interior, two problems: 1. Trouble for a short person to see over the raised display on top of the dash. 2. Joy stick on the ridiculous "bridge" between the front seats. For someone who "lives" in the car and is often reaching for things in bags on the passenger side floor or the glove box this is simply dysfunctional. So the car we love has passed us by, at least until the next redesign, that is if Toyota's designer's can get their heads out of their ... Or by then we will be looking for others with a more pragmatic approach.
Your opinion and your wife's are duly noted, and respected. Nevertheless, it has already been pointed out many times in this forums that while some people hate the new interior (specially those in love with the Gen II interior) some people absolutely love it. Really, it is a matter of personal preference
Some people say "Bad '04-'09 exterior" and others say "Bad '10 interior." All a matter of personal taste.
I bought a 2010 and am happy with it, but agree that the center console is a terrible waste of space and design. Not only does it make it hard to reach things on the other side, but it include a big void of space beneath it that goes almost completely unused. The only time you can get access to that space is when you're getting in or out of the car -- and then, only awkwardly. There's a second power outlet down there, but we NEVER use it for anything because it is too awkward to get to. In theory, it would be a great place to charge your phone, but no one plugs in their phone before you're fully in the car. But once you're in, that lower space is basically unusable. Sadly, its a place where Toyota went for design over function -- some sort of "space age console" look. And unfortunately, it's at a critical central place in the vehicle.
I have no problem whatsoever accessing that area. Are you shaped like a normal person? (just kidding )
I agree with the OP, in that I much prefer the G2 interior over the G3. I tend to be more "practically" oriented, and prefer the more open space, more cubby holes, better coffee cup holders, better door pockets, etc, etc. Also, I prefer the less "cluttered" feel of the G2. Much like I don't like the feel of a house that has too much "clutter" or excess furniture, I also don't like a cluttered car interior. However, for many "new" Prius owners, the G3 interior has been a real hit. When I first saw the pictures of it before it was released, I knew exactly what they were trying to do: "un-geek" the interior, and make it more "accessible" to the masses. So from a marketing standpoint, this seems to have worked. However, if Toyota had decided to keep the G2 and G3 in production, and I had to buy a second car, it would most likely be the G2 again, if based on nothing but the interior layout.
You mean that space isn't the "purse seat"? First time I sat in one, I was delighted they finally created a place for my purse to ride! They even thought to put it by the charger outlet for all those days I forget to charge my phone at home. I luff them!
For those of us unschooled and inexperienced in discussion boards, what does "OP" mean? The 2010 is my first Prius, but, my experience is that every vehicle has something about the cockpit that doesn't suit everyone. I didn't instantly dislike the Prius bridge, I kind of liked the look. I'm finding work-arounds for the things I didn't like and optimizing those that I did. I have a portable tape player, for books on tape, under the bridge and my wife can easily change the tapes as they hit the end of each side. I also put my sunglass case down there and I'm able to easily reach it. So, I find uses that make that space not unusable. Just having fun traveling and learnin; enjoying the Prius even more than I expected. TK
Moderators, please combine the 10,000 threads on the same subject. There should a thread stickied and called: OFFICIAL INTERIOR DISCUSSION THREAD.
I'm not fond of the space-age looking design and the wasted space (not to mention no good places to mount accessories that I want to add), and I suspect that Toyota will go back to a more conventional look for the next generation - which will leave those of us with Gen IIIs looking like people walking around with 1980s shoulder pads. But, hey, I got 50.0 mpg on my first 1200 miles (even though we've never driven a hybrid before), so I don't care that much if I look silly in my space capsule front seats in a few years.
OP is original poster which in this case is me. I get it that there is a lot of personal preference involved here. But imagine my dissapointment when looking forward to getting my new 2010 Prius I find that the car is unworkable due to an impracticle interior design (no to mention my wife, she is really PO'd). This after loving the Prius for the last 4 years and talking it up to everyone, always mentioning the practicle roomy interior. To me this is GM stuff, like putting tail fins on Cadillacs (I'm old enough to remember that). The kind of stuff that killed the American auto industry. I understand that image is important and needs to be considered. But, when the image makers win too many design battles over solid, reliable, economic, pragmatic design, quality suffers. If Toyota keeps this up in 20 years they will be where GM is today. - OP
Sorry if I am carrying on and on about an already much discussed topic but I haven't been on the site for a while and this hammer just hit me. It deserves a lot of posts - I hope someone on the other side of the Pacific is listening.
1. Can't understand why even a 'short person' could not see over the dash. Did you test the '10 over a period of time, trying to raise the driver's seat? Unless a driver has an unusually short torso, this should not be an issue. 2. I may get blasted on this - but I, for one, truly am tired of hearing all this angst about the Prius console. Of course it's not for everyone. And I'm quite pleased that Toyota pushed the envelope in both the exterior and interior design of the '10. If not, I would not be an owner of a first-Prius. Gen II interior (IMO) was quite bland, and if Toyota had not complimented the '10 exterior refresh with the same for inside - what's the sense? The console armrest is quite low - I feel too low as I'd like to actually rest my arm and reach the wheel while driving. So that shouldn't block access to the pass seat or reach to the gloveboxes. I can see how the console bridge can block access in reaching/obtaining items directly on the pass floor. But there is the nice storage under the bridge for small items. There have been SO MANY posts on this particular topic. A. As noted below - please do a search before opening a new thread on beat-up topics as this. It tends to clutter the forum. B. I respect everyone's right to comment on any topic, but this one has been beat to death. C. For those that hate "the bridge", perhaps a message to Doug and his US Toyota Prius Marketing team. They no doubt have a bit of influence on next generation's design and features. It appears that a huge number of buyers don't feel the console design is "ridiculous" or the interior "bad". Sales are through the roof.
Those of you who hate the new center console and raised display atop the dash, I have a brand new car just for you. It's called the Lexus HS250h.
How about a smart car? You should be able to reach about anything even into the next car. Could not resist.
My wife likes that spot, too. I wish they had put some more useful storage spots in the doors, but beyond that, I think Toyota did a nice job. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as always. As for the height issue, I like the manual seat height adjustment that was present even in the base model. Of course, really short people have difficulty in many cars.