I'm getting the run around from the dealer about the program. We made the deal with a honda dealer on Aug 19 to trade in our Toyota Previa 93 for a Honda Civic LX. Now the dealer was unable to furnish the car by yesterday. Now according to this: More flexibility for Cash for Clunkers plan - Oil & energy- msnbc.com I am still eligible for the program but the dealer is saying he can't put in my paperwork by noon because the car isn't "stocked in" (he needs a stock number, not sure why because the VIN of the 09 Civic is already on the sales slip). Am i being given the run around here or is there something I'm missing? I even called the CARS hotline and they say that the dealer should be able to do the paperwork. Any quick help will be appreciated as I'm on a tight deadline which will be up in about 90 minutes. Thanks. Joe
I say print out that article and take it with you to talk to the dealer. Tell him this is a deal breaker - if he can't get his act together and get the paperwork submitted for you in time, you're walking. The article you linked is only a week and a half old... it's quite possible he wasn't aware of the change in the rules - prior to that the vehicle did need to be in stock and delivered to the customer in order to submit the paperwork.
Sorry, I think you are out of luck. I think your dealer may have sold the car under you even you have a VIN number because the car is not physically in stock at the dealership. I have the similiar situation on the first wave of C4C when I was waiting for my basic Prius II after I paid for it with the VIN number. When I found out that the program ran out of fund (before the extra 2 Billion was even mention) I went back to the dealer and take whatever the dealer have in stock before midnight to close the deal. I end up getting a more expensive III with solar/Nav.
The cash for clunkers program is over. I'm not sure what the problem is. The dealer has your car on the lot and doesn't want to sell it to you under for C4C rules?
The Sale agreement was made on Aug 19. The paperwork isn't done because the car that the dealer is supposed to sell me (the car with that VIN on the sales invoice) is not at the lot. So he's claiming no clunker deal. The sale qualifies for Clunker program. This is known as a voucher as per my link (see first post). As per the news, I can take delivery of the car and hand over the clunker when the car becomes available even after the program ends (again the car has not become available). The only requirement is that the paperwork be submitted before the paperwork deadline (which is now extended to 8 PM EDT today). ANd the dealer is refusing to do the paperwork because he is missing the "stock number", (not the VIN). Stock number is his local inventory number (which is pretty much a catch 22 situation because obviously he;s not going to have it). but according to the rules from the CARS hotline representative, the dealer should still be able to make do the paperwork without this stock number. Now I have atleast until 8PM to convince them to do the paperwork. So does that answer your question as to what the problem is?
ok, now I understand. And the dealer isn't going to do it because we can't process the paperwork. Too much of a risk for him at this point. And just to clarify a something. You have to turn over your clunker at the time the deal was written, not when the car comes in. That is the rule. He had to have every piece of paperwork needed (title, insurance, registration) before yesterday otherwise he would have just gotten a rejection from the gov't. Was he getting the car from another dealer or was it an ordered car that hasn't come in yet?
As I said earlier, you are out of luck. If you don't even have a sale contract written with the VIN number, you can not even try to take them to court.
I HAVE A SALES INVOICE with the VIN of the CAR which is supposed to be delivered to me. Sales invoice is dated (Aug 19). What are you people not understanding? I made a deposit of 5K. The rest is on a Certified check. The car was to be picked up on Sunday. He called us a cpl days ago to say the car isn't in yet asking if we'd we willing to settle for another color which would be coming in. We got there on Sunday, no car. They said, you have to pick from whatever comes in Monday. Monday morning we go in, he wants us to pick up a black one (with a different VIN) instead of the urban titanium and pay a $1500 premium because of shortages. As far as whether the car was coming from another dealer or a new order is something that I'm still not sure.
An invoice means absolutely nothing. Whether it has a VIN on it or not. I'm trying to be sympathatic here, but these are the facts as I understand them: 1) You waited until 4 days before the end of the program and agreed to purchase a car that was not in inventory. 2) The dealership agreed to sell you that vehicle assuming it would be in before the end of the program. 3) Car doesn't show up. 4) You are upset that they will not process your paperwork under the guidelines of the program (not giving them your clunker is a HUGE no-no). 5) They gave you the opportunity to purchase a different car that was on the ground and available, but it was a higher price so you declined. 6) You now want to sue them.
As far as I can tell, you should just walk in and get all your money back. That should be the end of it. If they are holding your deposit and won't return it, then you might have grounds for a lawsuit.
Your only choice is to take whatever is available (the black one). If you do not want to pay the extra over MSRP, take back your clunker and walk, no deal here. Jabber was asking, if your car was a new ordered to be come in (in transit and was not sold), your C4C should be still good. Evidently, your original VIN car was sold by another dealer.
Exactly.. if the vehicle is coming from another dealer, there are certainly no guarantees that a vehicle will be produced. If it was in their pipeline, you and the dealer had to fllow a specific set of rules in order for it to be processed and still within the C4C guidelines. Since you are driving your clunker, that didn't happen. It sounds like they were trying to do a dealer trade and the other dealer said no. Done deal, I'm sorry, but you are out of luck.
Don't feel bad. If you are not in a hurry to get a new car, you can actually wait to get a better deal in the future. You should be able to get a good deal below MSRP plus you should be able to get some trade in value for your Previa. Don't forget that there will be some shortage on good older model used car and a Previa is a good van. I had a 91 and was still running good. It was sad when I traded it in. You are not that much far off from getting the $4500 C4C deal.
That SOB dealer tells me that the car came in today. And i found out, YES IT WAS A NEW ORDER and NOT coming from another dealer. So, yes not giving them my clunker was a mistake on my part. But to be completely honest, the dealer is obligated to give me the facts along with recommendations. He never even once mentioned whether or not this vehicle is coming from another dealer or not. He was completely aware of the extension of the clunker voucher otherwise he would never have ordered a new car to be manufactured and delivered. After repeatedly going back to the dealer and hearing he does not have a car or being asked to pay more doesnt make any sense considering that they made it sound as if the Car is just waiting in some warehouse all this time. And on top of this, I have always gone in with my paperwork and my clunker. He has refused my paperwork and said I cant do the paperwork because I dont have your car. what kind of shit nice person excuse is that.
You know, I was going to respond. But I think I will just leave this thread alone. I'm sorry the dealership didn't tell you everything that had to happen in order for you to get your vehicle. One last piece of advice though. Do not waste your money on a lawyer. Even the one that successfully sued McDonalds for selling hot coffee can't win this one. Chalk it up as a learning experience.
Apologies to all who have responded here, especially Jabber and SilverPriusIII. I am genereally not hyped up like this. Just got caught up in the issue. No I'm not going to sue unless they hold back my deposit. Oh well, now that the issue really isn't there anymore, I can care less. Learned a couple of lessons. 1. Make a deal in good time incase the program is about to expire. 2. KNOW all the facts about what you're getting into. 3. Don't get caught up in crap like this. BTW the reason why I was so adamant about this was because the clunker deal was landing me a Civic Sdn 4Dr LX for $14.7K which I think was a steal considering it was at the later stages of the program. PS. I so badly want google voice.