For those of you who opted for the Cargo Organizer accessory, what are some of the things you dedicated to its contents? Mine include: 1. Portable Air Compressor 2. Portable Battery Booster 3. LED Mag Light with Lithium Batteries 4. Electric Cresant Wrench 5. Selectable Screwdriver Set 6. Talking Multimeter 7. Talking Tire Pressure Gauge 8. 2 Chamois 9. 2 25gal Trash Bags 10.Allen Wrench Set 11.Pocket Knife 12.2 Godfather Pizza Cups! 13.Swiss Army Knife Set 14.2 Micro Fibre Towels 15.Ice Scraper Let others know what you keep in your Cargo Organizer, it may give someone some good ideas! David (aka Blind Guy)
Would love to see some pics of how it all fits. I'm seriously considering getting some sore of organizer. Michael
Michael; It's difficult for me to post pictures because I'm blind, but I'll see if I can't get my wife to aid me. If you're looking for an inexpensive, but FANTASTIC way to organize ALL your STUFF, this is the way! I think it costs around $57, and it's a polystyrine piece that fits just under the floor of the Cargo compartment, it's got about 8 or so compartments (they're really sections, they're not covered, except by the floor of the Cargo cover when it's down) that hold the items you want to place in them. Look into one of these, I think you'll be pleased! David (aka Blind Guy)
Thanks David. So it fits under the cargo floor? I see the cargo tote listed under accessories on the toyota page but that picture has it above the cargo floor. Toyota Prius Accessories Having an organizer for under the cargo floor would be awesome to have. If it's not the one aove, do you have a link? Michael
Go to Toyota's Web Site and click on "Build A Car", I think in there you'll find "Accessories", there you'll find all the accessories for the 2010 and their prices, you're looking for the "Cargo Organizer", NOT the Cargo Tote, that's just a Tote Bag. The Cargo Organizer is the one that goes under the floor. David (aka Blind Guy)
Thanks for that list David! Gives me some good ideas for things to add! Things I have that are not on your list include: a plastic tarp (used for runs to the garden center or when picking up the Christmas tree) an extra jacket dog bowl/treats/leash old bath towel (for wet dog) assorted icescraper/snowbrushes extra corkscrew Your list appears much more survivor-oriented than mine
Follow Blind Guy's instructions and go to "build your own Toyota" Once there, it's listed under accessories. Michael
I opted not to go for the cargo organizer because it limits how I can use the space. Instead I just keep stuff loose. I have a couple of bath towels in there to cover the seats (Misty Grey cloth) in case someone's wet or dirty, and they come in handy to keep smaller items from rolling around.
Can somebody tell me if this organizer uses all of the vertical space in the cargo area when it's full? I ask because I want to know if I could use it for small items and then place low profile items like a car blanket on top of it.
I just bought the cargo organizer and since I could never find a decent picture of one and the size of the pockets I thought I'd share that bit of information. The rough dimensions of the various pockets are Top from left to right: 10" x 11 1/2", 7 1/2" x 7 1/2", 10" x 3" Bottom from left to right: 9" x 6", 9" x 6", 9" x 6" The Toyota first aid kit is a perfect fit for the top middle pocket