I have the special stickers that allow me to use my Prius in the HOV lanes in California. I use the HOV lane maybe one time per month. I feel like a VIP zipping past the metering lights getting on the freeway and onto the HOV lane past all the morning traffic. Still feel that some person is going to pull into HOV that is moving sometimes up to 50+ from traffic that is dead stop or close to it.
Yes, I've had my sticker since about Feb. What part of TN are you in? I haven't heard anything about what year they will end or if they will, at all in Tennessee, have you?
Considering how many hybrid vehicles there are compared to police cruisers, your point becomes moot. The HOV signs are not meant to include every little detail regarding HOV restrictions. This is common sense.
Arizona uses a small "AFV" plate on some of the HOV signs. This is "alternative fuel vehicle" and has the same blue sky design as the license plates.
I've already put more time into this silly issue than it deserves, when I could have been cruising in the HOV lane in my Prius.