ok. i have long term, relatively safe, managed portfolios and all that kind of stuff. so for this, i am looking for up and coming new companies with revoluntionary ideas whose stock is currently trading very cheap. $2 or less is what i am looking up, under a buck is the ideal. any one currently "rolling the dice" on a company looking for the big payoff on a long shot?? if so, what company is it? . if you care to share, would be greatly appreciated. keep in mind, there is a lot of people on this forum, some with discretionary spending. the more interest a stock gets, the faster the price rises, so dropping names here could benefit you as well
ok, not much response here... after a preliminary investigation, i found most of the companies that look good are not trading stock. at least none i could find. i did find Juhl Wind. they specialize in designing "community wind projects" which are medium scale setups designed for local consumption only. their stock price is a bit higher than i was looking for, but not bad, currently about $2 a share. their symbol is "juhl" so that is one i am investigating. they will be posting a report of sorts that will be available online or by phone, pasted from the web A replay of the teleconference will be available until September 10th 2009 and can be accessed by dialing (877) 660-6853 if calling within the United States or (201) 612-7415 if calling internationally. Please enter account # 286 and conference ID # 330928 to access the replay. The webcast presentation will be archived within the "Investor Info" section of Juhl Wind's home page located at Juhl Wind Inc. - The Leader In Community Wind.
Just remember the old adage - The one sure way to make a small fortune in the stock market is to start with a large one.
A few months ago there were quite a few in this range that were good buys. Now there are less. What type of returns are you looking for? In what time frame? Are you going to be trading options or buying the stock itself? Are you going long, or are you looking to make a quick buck? As for me- I think financials are a good value investment for the long haul. Currently have BAC, would consider C and possibly CIT if I was really looking to score(with much higher risk involved).
actually on this, i am looking for a large profit within say 2-5 years. purely speculation. generally on this it will hit big or miss big. i already have a lot of managed long term investment stuff, 401K's, bonds and whatnot... i call this "Vegas" money. wont hurt me if i lose it all, so i am looking primarily for new companies just getting started and have a good idea. green tech is a definite plus
Just for an update since my speculation. CIT is down 4.92%, C is up 22.58%, and BAC is up 7.12%. These figures are approximate. Full disclosure: I own BAC stock.