Can someone from the UK tell me the EV speeds on the 2010, I currently have a Gen2 in the UK and EV button is indicated up to 31mph and max EV is indicated 44mph. I have looked but think US and UK are different, especial as our speedometers are so far out. Gary
The max EV indicated across the board is a technical limitation at 46mph (max speed of MG1 vs. MG2 w/o the ICE spinning). I'll let the UK owners respond to EV button limited speed though.
I've only used EV mode when in a heavy stop / go situation like being caught in road works with 2 lanes of traffic slowly filtering into a single lane. In normal conditions I just leave the car in normal mode and once warmed up it often runs just battery only; especially when following a bus, with slow acceleration and normally no more than 25mph.
The EV Mode button has a maximum speed of 30 mph e.g. Cuts out at 31 mph It is in the Ebrochure and is what I have found when i have used it in EV.
Thanks, the problem is 30mph is only about 27mph actual. Does the brochure mean true mph or indicated as in the UK there is a big difference.
I suppose what I am asking is has the max speed been increased from G2 to G3. In the UK indicated speed is a higher than actual. So in the G2 the 44mph I get is about 40 real.
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the speedometer's fixed fudge factor has been reduced from 10% in the previous generation, to 5% in the new cars. However, I can't find a source for that at the moment. Officially Toyota GB claim that the EV mode maximum speed has been raised from 29 mph in Gen 2 to 31 mph in Gen 3. They have never acknowledged the maximum stealth speed.