Is there anything I need to do to my mom's phone to be able to transfer her contacts via BT? I tested this feature with my iPhone and it worked flawlessly. Seems to me the Motorola phone is not compatible with this feature.
My RAZR V3xx wouldn't transfer them, and if you go to the Toyota BT site, is confirms the phone doesn't support it.
I did it, but it took a laptop with bluetooth, and Motorla Phone Tools software. I actually hooked the phone up to the PC, added all my contacts to Outlook, and dumped all the contacts to .vcfs files (exported from Outlook), that I made into one large file. Went out to the car with the BT laptop, made the car think the laptop was a BT music player, connected. Used Vista's BT file transfer wizard, browsed to the file, and stopped just short of sending the file. then I went in the nav unit, started the contact import process, when it said to operate the phone, I send the file from the laptop, and watched the progress. It worked great. Took about 25 minutes.
I have a V3xx and was able to do it. In the NAV info/phone screen you must go to "Manage Contacts" then select "Transfer Contacts". When the screen says "Transferring - Operate Phone" you must then open your phone and find the contact to transfer. Once the contact is highlighted, select the "options" on your phone, then select "share", then "bluetooth", then "car multimedia". It will then transfer just that one contact. The NAV will then ask if you would like to transfer another contact, select "Yes", then complete the process of finding and sharing all over again. Unfortunately this will have to be done for each one you want to transfer. I sure wish it was a bulk transfer, I have lots of contacts. Again, I have a Motorola RAZR V3xx and it DOES work.
I finally figured out how to add addresses and look up businesses on the web and synchronize them to my Navigator's "Favorites". If anyone is interested here is the link: