Very nice. I got stuck in a traffic jam with a friend (who was driving his prius) and we watched one of the Harry Potter movies on his iPhone. This would have been better.
So how much did this cost? and where did you buy it? I ahve been looking for an "all purpose" add-on that would do dvd and possibly be able to support a wireless back up camera. Also, did you see an option for dvd in the back of the seat head rest when you were shopping?
And btw - I have a 2007 model that is a former rental car (i bought used). Being a rental it has a very basic set of features. So if this system requires that you have a nav system already or something like that - it wont work for me.
Very, very nice. I just think that my neck would get strained looking at the video from that perspective.
Smart nice person this buckwheat... blueumbrella acutually had a VALID point....patting yourself on the back is one thing, but...maybe you should watch the UK video on You Tube about texting and driving.... and the ensuing accident. Words need not be spoken the video is too powerful. Watching TV/DVD whie in motion is just as bad. Lets see the accident pics when you rear end someone cause your engrossed in the movie instead of driving. Or you veer into oncoming traffic, Or not notice the knucklehead in front of you, who just hit the brakes.... Oh it could never happen to me, it only happens to those other stupid drivers. You have made youself a much greater menace to others, neve mind yourself, with that unit in front of you. Passenger side, OK. BUT NOT THE DRIVERSIDE, NEVER!!! The Off button ploy don't cut it. Unless it's wired into the car so when in any mode other than PARK, the unit WILL NOT TURN ON, at least on the Drivers side, you have enough to do just driving!
NOT A CHANCE IN HELL BUCKWHEAT!!! Driving while watching TV DVD WHATEVER is just FRAKKING STUPID. And sadly so are you for thinking otherwise!!! OH and by the way it's ILLEGAL in Ontario Canada to watch TV while driving... I.E. The folowing. The Honourable Jim Bradley Minister of Transportation Countering Distracted Driving and Promoting Green Transportation Act, 2008 – Introduction House Statement Legislature Building, Queen's Park, Toronto October 28, 2008 (Check Against Delivery) Speaker, I rise in the House today to address the legislature about a significant public safety issue. Research tells us that drivers who use cell phones are four times more likely to be in a crash than a driver who is focused on the road. Drivers who are busy text messaging, emailing, dialing or talking on their cell phones are too preoccupied to properly drive their cars. Transport Canada tells us driver distraction is a contributing factor in about 20 per cent of all collisions in this country. A recent Ontario Medical Association study urged the government to take action to address driving while using a cell phone. Around the world, approximately 50 countries — such as Australia and the United Kingdom — have banned the use of cell phones by drivers, unless using them hands-free. In the United States, there are bans in California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, New Jersey, New York, and Washington. In Canada, similar bans already exist in Nova Scotia, Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador. We know these new technologies have created some tremendous conveniences. But we know something else. Deep down, we all know it is dangerous to use them while driving. In the past, the McGuinty government has taken tough action to deal with drivers who continue to drink and drive, and those who think our roads are meant for street racing. Today, I am asking you to take another important step to save lives, prevent injuries, and help keep our communities safe. The legislation I am introducing today, will, if passed fight driver distraction by banning text messaging, emailing, dialing and chatting on hand-held cell phones and other electronic entertainment devices while driving. Anyone who chooses to break this law would face a fine of up to $500. We are also proposing to broaden the current ban on televisions that are visible to the driver to include other devices with display screens such as DVD players. That does not mean that other distractions are not important. Drivers must take extreme care when doing anything, including using hands-free devices, that will divide their attention from the task of driving – even for an instant. Drivers who do not focus on the task of driving should not be driving. Those who put others at risk by allowing themselves to become distracted — for any reason — can, and should be, charged with Careless Driving under the Highway Traffic Act — or even Dangerous Driving, a criminal offence. Mr. Speaker, it is time to take a tough stand: we need to stop this danger on our roads. Our “eyes on the road, hands on the wheel” Bill could prevent tragedies before they happen. With the use of cell phones and other hand-held electronic devices on the rise, we must deal with this issue now. We are not alone in our thinking here, our government has the support of many organizations. Earlier today I was joined by representatives from the Ontario Medical Association, the Insurance Bureau of Canada, the Canadian Automobile Association, the Ontario Provincial Police, the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, the Ontario Safety League… …and many others who stood beside us as we announced our plans. Mr. Speaker, innovation in safety and public security has been one of the defining characteristics of this government. This new legislation could be another part of that agenda of innovation. We must continue to ensure that we address new risks and hazards as they arise. As with all of the safety reforms we have introduced, our purpose is clear: it is to preserve and strengthen Ontario's outstanding record of public safety on our roads. The proposed legislation supports the McGuinty government’s commitment to prevent injury and reduce traffic collisions. Our government believes that road safety must be a top priority. Our goal is to keep Ontario’s roads among the safest in the North America. We must assure the safety of every Ontarian, protect families, keep communities safe, and create better health for Ontarians. But this bill is about more than safer roads, it is also about cleaner air. Speaker,you may have noticed that our proposed legislation is entitled, the Countering Distracted Driving and Promoting Green Transportation Act. I would like to take a moment to explain to all members the “green” component of this legislation. Encouraging more Ontarians to carpool is part of Ontario’s plan to reduce harmful emissions, ease traffic congestion and fight climate change. That is why the proposed legislation also includes measures to remove the existing red tape associated with forming carpools in Ontario. I urge all members to support this bill. Thank you. Notice the OLD face type. That's how the OPP Website has it. NO TV FOR DRIVERS!!!
No stake in this either way, but I believe in CA it is illegal for a video screen like that to be visible to the driver. I believe they have to be mounted behind the driver. I say "believe" because that is what I recall hearing/reading when these items first hit the market.
just not a good idea. But, this is also from a group who wants a toggle to allow Nav use while driving. Sure, it's for the passenger, but... it's too easy to use as the driver.
:mod: :mod: :mod: :mod: :mod: :mod: :mod: :mod: :mod: One more . . . :mod: Let's just chill out here, folks. Clearly, someone has made a modification to their car that you do not agree with for one or more reasons. In fact, there's a high probability that this modification might infringe upon current laws or laws currently being considered. That's between the modifier and the police. Or if it makes you happy, between the modifier, the police, the telephone pole, the passengers in the other car and the jail time. There, I think I've appeased both sides. Trust me, you DO NOT want to get me started on the discussion whether "Buckwheat" could be considered a racist term and I SINCERELY hope to not see it again. I've seen far too many overly-tinted windows, exterior lighting systems, and myriad other modifications that are illegal or that void warranties to think that any one is any worse than another. MOST Prius owners are mature enough to know their boundaries and the laws in their states. In keeping with the general attitude of PriusChat, if you don't like the thread, don't read it; if you don't like the site, go away.