Here is a question for anyone with a Prius II or III. If you have the one door smart key, can you program it to open the other doors when you trip the sensor in the driver's door? Or will the smart key only open the driver's door?
You can have the dealership program the fob to open the other doors by touching the driver's side door. It is not a change you can do own your own; however, you can program the unlock button on the fob to unlock all doors with a single click.
On my 2006, the user can program the smart key system to unlock all of the doors with one touch of the driver's side door. Are you sure this isn't a user-programmable feature in the 2010? Bryan
Yes, only a techie with the computer at the dealership can change that. Just like the back-up beep is now only programmable by the dealership now but was changeable by the owner on a Gen 2.
You can change to unlock all of the doors at once It is user configurable. You can program it to unlock all the doors at once, rather than just the drivers. I know, because I did it. It is in the users manual. It involved some stuff with the key fob and other things. RTFM and you will see how.
Re: You can change to unlock all of the doors at once RTFM and you will see how.[/QUOTE] Pleasant. I have read the manual, excuse me for my mistake--it happens. My apologies to the OP for incorrect information.
I just went to the dealer earlier this week b/c they said the car could be reprogrammed by user, but not the fob. They also reprogrammed the headdlights to turn off in 0 sec. instead of 60. They made this big deal about how there was charge for convenience changes to the car, but they would do it THIS time as a courtesy. What bull! I asked how can they get away with charging for a reprogramming that they prevent the owner from being able to do themselves. He said that Toyota won't reimburse them, so they have no choice but to bill the customer. I reprogrammed the car to open all the doors when the drivers door is unlocked, but if anyone knows of a way to reprogram the fob please let us all know. I am having regrets about making the fob change from 2 clicks to 1 to open all the doors and now have decided to switch back even if the dealer has to charge me.
On the smart key (fob) press and hold both the lock and unlock buttons simultaneously for several seconds until you hear the Prius beep. That should change the sensor to unlock both doors and hatch at once. You can toggle the mode back to drivers door only by repeating the process.
Out of curiosity, why do you regret the 2 to 1 click change for all doors? I pick up my Prius tomorrow and that is one of the changes I asked for.
As a very petite woman (4'9") I will, at some point, be in a dark parking lot by myself and if I ever feel threatened enough to enter my car quickly, I assume it won't be good for all the doors to unlock with one click. I really hadn't thought it through before I made the change. I rarely use the fob anyway, but it is worth considering. The door sensors are programmed to open all the doors when 1 is opened, but that is mostly b/c when my husband is with me it is just easier.
p. 48 is correct. I went out and experimented a bit and found that the key fob didn't open all 5 doors unless the unlock button was pressed twice. The settings described on p. 48 only affected the door handle function not the fob. I set it up to unlock all 5 doors and it worked great as long as I touched the drivers door handle while the vehicle was locked. If I pressed the unlock button on the fob first and then opened the drivers door, I found the other doors all remained locked. There's the answer for dark parking lots. Just use the fob to unlock and don't press it twice.
Yep, it's very simple. You just hold both the "lock" and "unlock" buttons on the fob for five seconds, and the indicator picture will show on the display inside the Prius, and you'll be able to open all five doors by simply putting your hand on the driver's side door handle. Very convenient.
NOTE: see further info IN ALL CAPS in above quote. You can un-do this by repeating the procedure. Someone else 'taught' me to do this and I showed it to my car dealership. DO NOT PAY FOR THIS SIMPLE PROCEDURE !!!
Pressing both Lock/unlock on the fob at one time does indeed change the configuration from unlocking one door to all doors, but only for the door sensor not the fob. I tried it several times by standing outside the car while looking at the HID. Each time to either showed the picture of the car with the drivers door open or all doors open. Then I would lock the doors and stand about 10 ft from the car and use the fob for 1 click. It opened all the doors no matter what the HID picture showed, which is how the dealer reprogrammed it last week.