Hey Gang, I have a 2005 Toyota Prius (Black) best car I've ever owned, but want to make some modifications - tell me if they are possible. Only 6 questions. 1. I want to change out the Headlight and Taillights to the 2006-2008 style. Is it possible? 2. I am looking to install a ipod connection to the factory radio, is there one that you can recommend where I can watch movies from my ipod video? 3. What is the name of the boomerang type piece that sits in the grill just bellow the front emblem? Can I find it in a smoke chrome, or do you know how to make a regular chrome one smoky? 4. I would like to have the most up to date version gps running. I bought the update disk but it still looks the same. I am partial to the one my friend has on his 2008. It looks cleaner and has a night mode on the map. Can this be done? 5. If I upgrade to the nicer wheel set toyota offers, how will that affect my MPG? 6. Has anyone seen glow in the dark or illuminated badges for toyota? If so, where can I find them. I thank you guys/gals in advance for your help. Appleuser84
1. Yes 2. VAIS 3. a grille? 4. No. His 2008 has a higher resolution screen. It has nothing to do with the DVD 5. larger = lower mpg in general 6. Nope. Only a custom one made by FiveAxis
First, thank you for the reply. My friends 2008 has color options that mine doesn't. For example, his has a night mode on the map that's black mine doesn't. How can I have the same program as he does with out the higher grade monitor? Thanks, A
Hmm... there should be night mode on yours too. The MFD themselves haven't changed, just the resolution. The functions should be identical. Also, you have 4 screen colours to choose from - blue, green, grey and beige. The upgraded MFD has two colours - green and orange and they're not background colours but rather highlight colours.
Well, my night colors are a shade darker than the day colors on the map, but nothing like the night time map on a external GPS. Mine is like one shade darker than the day time map - you can hardly tell. I've seen a black background color on a gen II Prius and a black map color for night time driving, don't know the actual year. Can I upload a newer year Gen II Prius GPS application?
Hmm... did you play with the brightness/contrast settings in NIGHT mode? I don't have nav on my '05 but I thought I recall seeing an "inverted" colour map between day and night mode.
Just out of curiosity, why would you want to change out perfectly good headlights and tail lights? Just so that the car would appear to be a later model Prius? I think those parts will be kind of expensive. Perhaps you should allocate the money you would spend on those things towards some aftermarket suspension components. Also, take a look at sigma automotive as they sell lots of aftermarket goodies for the Prius. The thing I'd like to get is the JDM integrated mirror signals. Very cool and will immediately make your Prius stand out amongst the others. Good luck. Let us know how your mods are coming along and post some pics too.
Nope, there isn't an inverted map and the newer 08-09 gps programs have it and look a lot cleaner. I don't know how much of that is attributed to the resolution of the monitor. I've seen people play movies on their 05 monitors (MFD) and it looks great. I say that to point out the ability to have cleaner lines displayed on my MFD - I've seen it done. The question is, can I take the GPS Program from the 08-09 models or even 06-07 and upload it on my 05? Thanks, A
Very odd. I do wish more Gen II owners would chime in (esp. those with the nav!!) That, I don't know and it's out of my knowledge pool. Sorry!
In our 2007 if you dim the dashboard lights with the dial it switches Nav to night mode. I suspect it is not the software, but firmware. Another source for info on this may be the local Toyota dealer.
You have a 640 X 480. The 2008 has 800x480 Ditto with a 2008. As you dim the dash, the MFD should switch to night mode!!!