Walked outside today and noticed a small dent on my roof. Its towards the front on the flat part. Possibly from an acorn. Anyone know if Paintless dent repair will work on the roof of the GenIII? I really dont want to take the headliner down, but this dent is driving me absolutely insane. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here in Colorado hail country I've seen incredible things done with the dentless repair technique. If I wouldn't have seen it with my own eyes I simply would not have believed it. For most small hail dents, which tend to be round and uniform with no paint damage, they can make it look indistinguishable from new. There are two techniques they use, one from underneath when possible (e.g. dropping the headliner) and a different one that uses some kind temporary glue tab that is done from only the top.
Interesting, I was only aware of the method where they had to be able to gain access to the underside of the panel, thus having to drop the headliner. I am glad to hear they have a second way as well... I had 2-3 small dents put into my 2006 a week after buying it from a shopping cart at a local supermarket. I couldn't believe how they took the dents out using the dentless repair technique.
I would bet the farm they could remove the dent w/out dropping the headliner. I have seen these guy do their magic and it is amazing. Give it a try; I bet you will be very happy.
Didn't Billy Mays advertise something on TV that used this same concept? I remember something about glue, a little suction cup and handle you twist to pull the dent out.
That thing was called the Dent King and it couldn't even come close to removing a small dent like one created from hail, an acorn etc. It may pull out an area that was 'pushed' in like if you leaned on a panel but that's about it...
Like what was said before wait until you see someone very proficient from Dent Wizard do their thing. I was amazed at the dent they took out of the hood of my 740. It looked like someone bounced a baseball off it. With in 20-30 minutes the hood looked brand new like there never was a dent in the first place. Best $60 I ever spent.
Paintless dent repair doesn't cost much and it's remarkably effective if the paint is not cracked or otherwise damaged. But time is of the essence, eventually the metal will "forget" it's original shape. The sooner you have it assessed and done, the higher the probability of success. If you wait too long, I guarantee it will not work. I'd go ASAP!
I park the absolute furthest distance from the mall to try my best to ensure shopping carts, other peoples doors, park by feel bumpers, don't hit my car. I had to wax out my roof last week because someone used my car to hold their purchase... I so wish I'd caught that person /sigh
Acorn dents were a regular part of my Saab's life. I have moved the Prius over so it's primarily under the maple instead of the oak. I'm hoping it helps. I think the big sunroof and solar panel take up so much space on the roof, the evil squirrels will have to take pretty careful aim to get me. The birds think a new car is like getting their bathroom remodeled - they want to spend more time there!