I went to the dealer to get my first oil change on my 2009 Touring model, and happened to run into the GM (who sold me my car). I was chatting with him about the 2010 Prius, and his response surprised me. He said a lot of his customers who owned Prius models and came in to buy a 2010 wound up not liking it as much as the Gen II models. He went on to state that a lot of people do not like the new center console, the dash layout, and the interior in general. He also said that not providing a backup camera without the NAV was killing a lot of sales. I think Toyota may need to go back to the drawing board and re-assess the Gen III. The improvement in the drive train does not seem to be enough to overcome the perceived shortfalls.
Maybe for repeat buyers who have some comfort and comparison from the Gen II. I am a new Prius owner and I really love the 2010. I liked the Gen. II as well (have been shopping on and off for a couple years), but something about the new Gen. III make the II look and feel really older than they should. I like the new dash the most. The older screen / back up cam look like some univac 70's computer now that there is something new to compare. Honestly, most 2010 owners will react like me and most Gen. II owners will feel more truth in your anecdote. In any case, they are both great vehicles.
As a fan of plug-in conversions, I hope the Gen III Prius can be modified like the 2004-2009 models without having to re-design the entire plug-in modification.
I think it's really subjective thing, and the bottom line is the Prius sales keep increasing year by year, so they've done something right. Personally, I like the interior and handling in the 2010 Prius better than my 08 BMW 3 series (too bumpy) and my Lexus RX. The seats in the prius suck though.
Think about repeat purchases. Some people desire change. After 8.5 years and 178,012 miles of Prius driving without a center console, I welcomed it. .
The backup bit is easy to fix but the console isn't. Those people will be waiting patiently for the Gen IV.
They might be waiting forever. I think prev gen Prius owners belong to an entirely different camp than Gen III owners, especially as some of us would have never considered a Prius until Gen III.
Sounds like the guy was just chatting to make you feel good about your Prius. I certainly wouldn't take his word as the definitive national view of the gen 3 Prius. I think that both the gen 2 and gen 3 have their advantages and disadvantages, but it is not like the gen 3s are sitting on the lots. MANY of us upgraded or waited to buy our first Prius when the gen 3 arrived because we like the new changes. Everyone values different things, and absolutely some will love the gen 2 better (it's still a GREAT car!); but I don't think that Toyota missed the mark, and I am sure they don't either considering the wait many are experiencing to get their hands on one.
Unless a design is totally off the wall these things usually tend to even out. That is, some who liked the Gen II interior will not like the III, but another group who disliked the Gen II interior will love the one in the GEN III. From my point of view after having owned both, neither one particularly impressed me and neither was a factor in my decision to buy the cars other than they were functional.
I bought the Gen 3 especially because of the new interior layout versus the old Gen 2 layout. The old interior layout was just a bit to funky for me and reminded me of the car Woody Allen drove in the "Sleeper" movie, no offense to Gen 2 owners.
No, I have to disagree. He was genuinely not happy about the difficulty selling them, and he is spot on about the backup camera. It was silly of Toyota to make people pay such a premium to get a basic safety feature for a car that really needs one.
When I decided on getting a Prius, I was wondering if I should get the '09 because of the backup camera. But I just fell in love with the interior of the '10 and did not like the look of the '09 dash. So I decided on the '10. The dealers around here seem to have no problems selling them.
That is true. I can attest to that because you guys (the new members) are of a different breed than the older members. Such is life as Toyota wants to appeal to the masses. That said, I hope everyone can get along here. Yup I agree. For me, I like them both. I like the openess of the Gen 1 and 2. I also love the cockpit design of the Gen 3. I don't like the fact that we lost storage space but I'll adapt.
Based on backlog issues, it seems their biggest miscalculation is in how fast to build GenIIIs. The backlog in their home market is extremely long. I also believe that they are targeting a slightly different but larger market with this iteration. Unfortunately, whenever this happens with any product revision, some customers in the previous generation's market will feel like they where thrown under the bus.
As far as some of the option packages go. Toyota will likely assess what the most popular options are such as the back-up camera or sunroof and will likely eventually include them in most of the lower packages much in the same way they did with the gen II when they started including the backup camera, VSC, and the Smart Key in nearly all but the lowest package.
How can you possibly think that Toyota miscalculated when they have the hottest car on the market??? Some Gen 1 and 2 owners are "cultist" who like being owners of something "different". You'll never make the happy. A freshened up Prius 2 would still be sitting on the lots as the Prius 2 was until they started discounting them heavily. Some Gen 3 owners were never interested in the earlier models. While the looks might be slight to some, it is noticable enough and different enough to get the attention to a whole new profile of buyers (like me). The Gen 1&2 believers should be happy with the new popularity to help "the cause" of either a cleaner world or energy independance, (which ever is your cause of choice) Then again there is a slight possibility that some owners can't afford or justify the $$$'s to trade up. Rather than enyoy the new model introduction it's not entirely beyond human nature to nit pick the new model as a rationale for not trading rather than just admitting, I'm not ready yet. A few will truly be waiting on the plug-in, but I don't really think the majority will want, need or be willing to pay for that technology. The new model is so close to the old one that I see no reason for Gen 1 & 2 owners to feel like Toyota has abandoned them.
Get back to the drawing board and re-asses the thing?? With the sales going through the roof and production unable to keep up with the demand?? You have to be kidding
They can't keep them on the lots around here. There are still a handful of '09s, but not a '10 to be found. Sounds like your dealer was just trying to talk up your car. I dumped my '05 for a '10 as soon as I could get my hands on one. Far superior vehicle.
Although the changes are relatively subtle, I am in the latter camp too. I was never interested in the Gen2, but when pricing/inventory settle down on the Gen3, I will probably buy one. YMMV
I always loved the idea of hybrids but the look of them especially Toyota's were just too funky for me. When I saw the GenIII I was blown away by the re-styling. I'm loving the new styling all the way around which is why I'm in the market for one.