Test driving the Toyota Prius in Taiwan. Real world figure of > 70mpg US. Technology tour incl. IPA demo Interior tour
Re: 見證歷史Toyota Prius油耗測試 The title of this thread is "Testimony history Toyota Prius oil consumption test" approximately. Xie xie to Yahoo babelfish translation. I'd be lost without it! (actually I'm still lost, but it helps me determine how lost I am)
Re: 見證歷史Toyota Prius油耗測試 This reminds me of when Esso almost picked a new name that translated to 'out of gas' in Arabic, then they went with Exxon (am I giving away my age?)
Re: 見證歷史Toyota Prius油耗測試 lol... ni bu zhi dao jiang hua wen ma? You're living there right now! I figured you'd pick up some. Hmm... it probably means it's a fuel consumption video (kinda like Adam Carolla and driving the Prius to Santa Babara on 2 gallons of gas)
Re: 見證歷史Toyota Prius油耗測試 Hahaha. Adam Corolla is much more entertaining though. Text and Web - Google Translate I wish they had AUDIO translation. I'm sure they'll eventually have audio translation some day, but I wish they would decide to start working on it now. The foreigners still ask me "Do you know. uh. Where is Esso Mobil?" (Exxon Mobil pronounced with an accent = "Esso Mobil") Actually, I never knew that Exxon used to be Esso. I'll have to checkout the Wikipedia page on Exxon Mobil. Thanks. I do remember once at the Route 66 Rendezvous car show, talking to a man that was 102 years old (he had a Model-T, and he said he was the original owner! Wow!), and he told me he remembered when he had to buy gasoline in cans at the general store because gasoline pumps hadn't been invented yet. Once during a cross country road trip, I pulled into a gasoline station that still had the old gravity pumps - there was a "water tower" next to the gas station, and the gasoline flowed down to the pumps by gravity. Both experiences were awesome! I like history. image source: http://www.scheibelconstruction.com/assets/images/esso2.jpg
Re: 見證歷史Toyota Prius油耗測試 BTW here's the observed fuel economy of this real-world test for those who don't speak Chinese/Mandarin: 31.214 km/L (73.42 US mpg, or 3.2L/100km).
Re: 見證歷史Toyota Prius油耗測試 I'm surprise the interface are in Chinese! I just winder is it only for Taiwan market?
Re: 見證歷史Toyota Prius油耗測試 I thought by posting this thread with a Chinese title you actually read/understand Chinese/Mandarin. That HSI shot you mentioned was taken at a midway point, before he began traveling downhills back to his starting point. Prior to that point it was all uphills. He calculated the final fuel economy figure based on the distance he traveled (154.2km) divided by the amount of fuel he pumped back into the car at the end of the test (4.94 L), as shown at the beginning of the second video.
Re: 見證歷史Toyota Prius油耗測試 That doesn't mean I read/understand Japanese, German and any other videos I've posted lol. I can try but I probably only caught maybe 1-2% of what he said. No. It's in Japanese in Japan and in Chinese in China (and HK, and Taiwan etc). And any other language for the other countries (spanish, French, Swedish etc etc)
Re: 見證歷史Toyota Prius油耗測試 That's all good then, but might I suggest that you change the title to something like "Prius road test in Taiwan...73.42mpg!!" so that the majority of the members of this English-speaking forum can read and tell what's inside too? I mean, the only words that most people here in this Toyota Prius forum can read in the title are like..."Toyota Prius"....which doesn't say much does it?