What happens with no smart key?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by RickS50, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    Hi Rick,

    What is the service history per the dealer?

    If the transaxle is noisy, that is evidence that it probably needs to be replaced.

    It certainly doesn't help, that you don't have a fob that the immobilizer ECU will recognize. I assume that the dealer tech was unable to program the ECU since there was no communications via the OBD-II port?

    Makes sense to verify 12V power at all ECUs (note that multiple 12V lines may feed a particular ECU, so check the applicable wiring diagrams.) Especially check the body and immobilizer ECUs.

    Is it possible that you still have a bad fuse hiding somewhere?
  2. RickS50

    RickS50 Junior Member

    Feb 8, 2009
    Glendale, AZ
    2005 Prius
    No, they were unable to talk to the immobilizer ECU. I was able to talk to the body ECU with a Snap On Modus scanner, I got the doors to lock/unlock, hatch to pop, emergency flashers to come on, dash security light to come on and off so I think I can safely assume that was good, but the body ECU was all I could get in to. This is about a $6,000 scannner I borrowed.

    As for fuses all of them are good as far as I can tell. There is the fuse holder under the hood, all those are good, including power at all the fusible links and you can probe them from the top with a meter. All the fuses in the fuse box to the left of the steering wheel are good and the few fuses by the 12v battery are good. Unless I'm missing something (and I have been looking through the service manual)? The tech told me there were two layers of fuses on some fuse box somewhere, has anyone heard about this? I couldn't find any reference to it anywhere. Am I missing any?

    Also for a while I was thinking some mystery electrician had been in the car as I found an extra wire going from the ODB fuse to the power point, but it appears to be the kit sold to keep constant power at the power point socket.