YEE-HAW!!! That's TEXAN for I got one of the last TWO GEN II in N. TX. Black, grey interior, base with not a lot of options. Just perfect for me!!! Tinted the windows for free! Now for the fun part...and reading this great group that I discovered only three days ago!!!
The search feature is your friend. Find it. Use it. Know it. Lots of posts about how much better the NEW seats in the GEN III are over the GEN II.
one word? yes. better cushioning and shape as well as more adjustments available (height as well as optional power lumbar)
I find that the Gen II seats are just fine. Anyway, this is not a thread to critizise the Gen II, but to praise it's virtues. I, for one, thinks the Gen II is a lot prettier than the Gen II. The distinctive window line with it's matching angles front and rear should definitely have been carried over to the Gen III. The rear of the Gen II is also much more convincing.
My lips are a little chafed after that effort! been 7 months since I have seen snow. Hey guess what? I'm not missing it at all.
Massman,..........Welcome!! You are going to love it here. There is tons of information and lots of great funs...Come back often...